Gnnn oooh aaah oh yeah hugh hugh hugh grrr oh come on baby that's it yes yes YES!
If only taking off a winter wetsuit was actually that much fun :-/ what an effort... I'm getting better at it though. Certainly, the damned thing keeps me warm enough... and if it ever actually gets cold, my struggles will keep me warm!
So the forecast was for HOLY SHIT but what we got was BLOODY CRAP. I could have been happy with 30 knots of gusty death but we got barely 10... waited for the wind to pick up and tuned my Cabrinha bar lines - miles out! And the big bar is out of adjustment :-/
Junkie Sensei was riding, even though the wind was light and it was either ride and walk or go to a Christmas party I didn't want to so... I went and got changed, pumped up the 16m Xbow and had a few tacks. A single back-roll, a 3-foot jump, a moment of panic when the kite hit the water... that was it. Oh well, at least I answered a few questions...
Weather was reported as 11 knots, 8˚C 55%. If you say so, guv.
What I learned today...
• STILL too warm in the whale scrotum suit. The water works liitle chilly fingers inside the suit, but over-all, I think this suit is meant for < 5˚C!!!
• The XCEL Dryloc boots... you still need the straps, if you put them OVER the boots. Water dribbles down the inside. The split-toe is ok but I still don't like things between my toes.
• Boots are so bulky I had to completely open the straps.
• Same goes for the gloves. But over the top is better.
• Impressed with the kite flying in such light wind, but I see the difference between the XB and the Fly or Infinity. Upwind is still miles better than both though.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
In which I make a porno soundtrack
Sunday, December 16, 2012
About bloody time
10 whole days since the last time out... we've had wind, but it's been off-shore till today. And apparently yesterday but had to work... bastard thing that it is.
Got up early (before 10) and got to the lake by 9:30 and probably onto the water by 10.
Took the 16 and the 13 over to the lake cos the wind seemed a bit light. Measured 12 knots at the beach, gusts to 20. Hmm, supposed to pick up a bit - I should probably go for the 13...
Get into the water with the Flyradical and the 13 and am just a little underpowered. Have a nice time laying out some phat rotations that all go perfectly. Then the wind picks up and other people arrive and I bork up all the rotations. So I just settle for throwing the biggest jumps I can :)
Bloody gusty - getting a tad worried at points, especially with people down-wind of me. After one jump too, I looped the kite to change directions and the LE folded on the outside tip, stopped the kite, then reformed and took off again - superman!
Ride for about 2 and a half hours before my forearms totally give out... hate having to use thick gloves! By this time though, the wind has picked right up and the gusts are making me wish I'd had my 10m up. According to JMA which I check later in the day, I got to ride the peak wind of the day :)
AmpIII is a great suit but so far is total over-kill... hot as Hades if I'm not wet and in the wind. And a bloody effort to get off - I tried to slip it over both shoulders like they say you should but that's just impossible. So I went back to getting one arm out then rolling it off... Easy to put on though. Maybe a 4/3mm would be better...
Moment of the Day was getting a Speed3 worth boost on the Crossbow!
Mood of the session was stoked mildly-anxious sweaty.
It sucks when
Weather was reported as 16 to 18 knots, gusts to 28! 11˚C, 60%.
Wind felt like slightly under-powered to nicely over-powered to BLOODY HELL!
What I learned today...
• AmpIII is much easier to put on using a plastic bag on hands and feet. Still trying to figure out a solution to getting it off!
• Crappy gusty season is not over yet :(
• Need to tune the bar, I think. Kite flew better with a bit of trim on when it was powered.
• I wonder if 2mm fleece gloves would be better than 5mm unlined gloves...?
Got up early (before 10) and got to the lake by 9:30 and probably onto the water by 10.
Took the 16 and the 13 over to the lake cos the wind seemed a bit light. Measured 12 knots at the beach, gusts to 20. Hmm, supposed to pick up a bit - I should probably go for the 13...
Get into the water with the Flyradical and the 13 and am just a little underpowered. Have a nice time laying out some phat rotations that all go perfectly. Then the wind picks up and other people arrive and I bork up all the rotations. So I just settle for throwing the biggest jumps I can :)
Bloody gusty - getting a tad worried at points, especially with people down-wind of me. After one jump too, I looped the kite to change directions and the LE folded on the outside tip, stopped the kite, then reformed and took off again - superman!
Ride for about 2 and a half hours before my forearms totally give out... hate having to use thick gloves! By this time though, the wind has picked right up and the gusts are making me wish I'd had my 10m up. According to JMA which I check later in the day, I got to ride the peak wind of the day :)
AmpIII is a great suit but so far is total over-kill... hot as Hades if I'm not wet and in the wind. And a bloody effort to get off - I tried to slip it over both shoulders like they say you should but that's just impossible. So I went back to getting one arm out then rolling it off... Easy to put on though. Maybe a 4/3mm would be better...
Moment of the Day was getting a Speed3 worth boost on the Crossbow!
Mood of the session was stoked mildly-anxious sweaty.
It sucks when
Weather was reported as 16 to 18 knots, gusts to 28! 11˚C, 60%.
Wind felt like slightly under-powered to nicely over-powered to BLOODY HELL!
What I learned today...
• AmpIII is much easier to put on using a plastic bag on hands and feet. Still trying to figure out a solution to getting it off!
• Crappy gusty season is not over yet :(
• Need to tune the bar, I think. Kite flew better with a bit of trim on when it was powered.
• I wonder if 2mm fleece gloves would be better than 5mm unlined gloves...?
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Skunking me softly
OMG look at the forecast! Greater than 30 knots forecast all day! Bring it on!
Rush down the beach at midday (cos I gotta work at 5pm) and whaddya know--there's not a puff of bloody wind at all :( went home and had lunch, keeping an eye out the window... when the wind picks up, I rush down the lake again.
That's more like it! In fact... looks a bit scary, ackshully--long, never-ending lines of white caps :o sand flying horizontal across the beach :o trees flapping from east to west :o The other guys (Miyachi, Zephyr guy and Master of Disaster) are rigging 6s and an 8. I've only got the 10 XB in the car so that'll have to do... I figure if the MoD is on a directional and an 8, I'll be fine on the 10 and the 'radical.
Rig and launch... good power! Wind is muy cross-on (for here) so I tack out towards Makino through massive, sharp-cresting waves. Bit bouncy on the way out...
Wind slowly drops off until I can't ride, and stand about on shore looking dumb. Jump back in for a few more rides but the wind is just not picking up :( Other guys give up, pack up and I'm not far behind them... didn't get much excitement out there, a few good jumps (nothing stellar) but mostly bouncing off waves and trying to get a good line.
At least I got to ride. And test out the AmpIII wetsuit!
Moment of the day was simply getting out on the water. Yes I'm that desperate.
Mood of the session was relaxed unsatisfied.
Weather was reported at 1-2-3pm as 18-28-22 knots, gusts to 40 at 2pm; 9˚C at 58%
Wind felt like I was slightly over-powered in the all-too-infrequent gusts, ok-powered most of the time and of course, under-powered when the wind dropped off...
What I learned today...
• 6/5/4mm wetsuit is too thick for 10˚C! Sweating some. 5mm gloves and boots worked fine but forearms got a beating.
• Surprised at how flexible the suit is, despite being so bulky. Don't really notice the difference between the 3/2mm Access once it's on...
• Getting it on wasn't too bad, but getting it off--what an Olympian event that was! Was worried about ripping it but it seems very flexible. The 'flesh' is soft too and it's nice to wear.
• The hood! It's like a nice scarf when it's not up... Up and not secured, water occasionally got in and pooled in my ear holes :-/ but it's also very warm. Odd to not be able to hear much though!
• Worried about my beard ripping the neoprene though--will have to shave before using it. Was worried about my hair pulling but that's no problem...
• 10m XB seems to be best over 25 knots, and is good up to about 35 probably. Will I ever be able to use the 7m?
Rush down the beach at midday (cos I gotta work at 5pm) and whaddya know--there's not a puff of bloody wind at all :( went home and had lunch, keeping an eye out the window... when the wind picks up, I rush down the lake again.
That's more like it! In fact... looks a bit scary, ackshully--long, never-ending lines of white caps :o sand flying horizontal across the beach :o trees flapping from east to west :o The other guys (Miyachi, Zephyr guy and Master of Disaster) are rigging 6s and an 8. I've only got the 10 XB in the car so that'll have to do... I figure if the MoD is on a directional and an 8, I'll be fine on the 10 and the 'radical.
Rig and launch... good power! Wind is muy cross-on (for here) so I tack out towards Makino through massive, sharp-cresting waves. Bit bouncy on the way out...
Wind slowly drops off until I can't ride, and stand about on shore looking dumb. Jump back in for a few more rides but the wind is just not picking up :( Other guys give up, pack up and I'm not far behind them... didn't get much excitement out there, a few good jumps (nothing stellar) but mostly bouncing off waves and trying to get a good line.
At least I got to ride. And test out the AmpIII wetsuit!
Moment of the day was simply getting out on the water. Yes I'm that desperate.
Mood of the session was relaxed unsatisfied.
Weather was reported at 1-2-3pm as 18-28-22 knots, gusts to 40 at 2pm; 9˚C at 58%
Wind felt like I was slightly over-powered in the all-too-infrequent gusts, ok-powered most of the time and of course, under-powered when the wind dropped off...
What I learned today...
• 6/5/4mm wetsuit is too thick for 10˚C! Sweating some. 5mm gloves and boots worked fine but forearms got a beating.
• Surprised at how flexible the suit is, despite being so bulky. Don't really notice the difference between the 3/2mm Access once it's on...
• Getting it on wasn't too bad, but getting it off--what an Olympian event that was! Was worried about ripping it but it seems very flexible. The 'flesh' is soft too and it's nice to wear.
• The hood! It's like a nice scarf when it's not up... Up and not secured, water occasionally got in and pooled in my ear holes :-/ but it's also very warm. Odd to not be able to hear much though!
• Worried about my beard ripping the neoprene though--will have to shave before using it. Was worried about my hair pulling but that's no problem...
• 10m XB seems to be best over 25 knots, and is good up to about 35 probably. Will I ever be able to use the 7m?
Saturday, November 24, 2012
![]() |
Miyachi's BBS entry reads "Extremely heavy Kevin is riding easily on his 16"... cheeky bugger! |
This is being written on Sunday night; we went to Hamamatsu Saturday night and didn't have time to enter Saturday morning's ride report.
Went to the lake in the morning. Forecast looked ok and it was going to crank in the afternoon but I had to work though :-/ dragged myself out of bed at 9:30, got to the lake slightly after 10. Suited up - with gloves this time - and headed over to the lake with the Flyboards and the XB 16. Measured 9 knots on the shoreline :(
Pumped up the 16 and launched... wind isn't up to much, might be able to ride though. Head out with the Flydoor... riding upwind ok. Certainly, it's much easier than the Fly; better low-end with more upwind, easier to park'n'ride, but the jumps are slower to initiate and turns are noticeably vague, and makes less power in loops and turns.
Noodle around some... about 10:30 the wind starts to pick up and gets punchy with it - I'm fully trimmed - and when I get high-speed lobbed a few times, I decide to get my Flyradical strapped on.
For the next hour, I'm well- to over-powered and mostly enjoying it. Some good, high, floaty jumps, nice rotations and transitions too. Wind is punchy (said that already) so it's hard to get it timed. Mostly I'm pretty timid with the 'technical' stuff but go full-out at the jumps...
Then this one time, I set up for a jump and bounce off a wave's lip and lose the edge before I was ready and I launched with no board on my feet, way off balance and spinning like a top... I went up, I came down, ass up head down and SLAMMED into the water, right on my side! Head and ribs took the full brunt of it - went OOF damn ouch! when I hit - and I managed to knock my leg around too. Head still hurts today (Sunday) too... it should be bruised so I can get some sympathy!
My Sharks even got ripped off my face too... I ended up downwind of them and my board, so I thought I'd lost ANOTHER pair of sunglasses to Biwako... but as I body-dragged back upwind to my board, I found the sunglasses bobbing in the water :) sweet!
Ride it out till the wind throttled a bit at 11:30 and I could go back to full power trim. Pack it up at 12 and rush home for a hot shower and clean duds for work!
Moment of the day was hard to choose cos nothing really spectacular happened... it was just good to get out again in strong wind!
Mood of the session was cold ouchie happy.
It sucks when you would have had more fun if you'd pumped up two kites :-/
Song stuck in my head was "Running Bear"... WT actual F?
Weather was reported as 9 to 15 knots, gusts to 26; 12˚C at 45%!!!
Wind felt like 20% just powered, 30% nicely powered, 40% woohoo and 10% holy crap!
What I learned today...
• Water's cold, air's cold - time for gloves! My thin ones did ok and my hands were cold but not debilitating. Soh was complaining about stiff hands cos of the cold...
• Wind chill is tough... time for the 6/5/4 :o or the Ghetto drysuit.
• I seem to be able to get away with smaller kites, and need them when the wind picks up. Winter, huh.
• Like my Xbows but I feel like I need something else - more turning speed and power in the turns... more than just a racing machine.
• Believe it or not, the Speeds are good for that! But I like the non-bridal twistingness of LEIs sometimes.
• Getting slapped like a bitch hurts... I need an emergency plan for brutal impacts!
crossbow 16,
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
A Fly and a Rainbow
Forecast had potential so on the spur of the moment I loaded up and headed down to the lake just after 1pm, getting there about 1:30pm then shooting the shit with Miyachi for a bit... wind looked pretty light. I spotted the Naish Fly in the changing room and asked Miyachi if I could borrow it... he said sure so I toddled over to the lake with that, the XB 16 and the 2 Flyboards.
Measured 10 to 20 knots at the shoreline with the anemometer in the few minutes I stood there. A few whitecaps around...
Plan was to pump up both kites but... dang! I guess I been flying the Speeds too much cos pumping up SUCKS. So I only inflated the Fly.
Especially sucky are the 'regular' sized valves and no one-pump—forgot how tricky it can be to get those valves plugged—only 2 struts though... there's a LOT of ripstop in the center of the kite, between them. Was surprised at how fat the leading edge is! Noted the little spar at the center of the leading edge too. Nice simple bridle, Ronstan Orbit pulleys... nice! Bar looks a little narrow though! Have always liked the clean, simple-looking Naish bars... works good! Mutiny swivel needs a lube though.
Tether-launched the Fly. Didn't go up as easy as the Xbow so I decide then and there to NOT test the water relaunch!
Good static pull, very stable - I'm impressed. When the wind dropped, it'd just float back down, rather than stalling and diving like the XB.
Was a bit shocked at how light the bar pressure was. Seemed a bit vague & unresponsive too... I thought about landing the kite and resetting the rear leaders but I'm oddly lazy about that kind of thing—can't be bothered with the whole landing/relaunching thing. If it was a joystick, I'd think that the response curve had been meddled with—fish-poling the bar got it moving.
The Fly is fast, but not too fast. Suitably agile? Be a good kite for a beginner to advance on.
Kite worked ok but was really good to just park'n'ride. Using the stopper, I could just park the kite and take my hands off the bar :o very stable! More downwind pull than the XBs, harder to work it upwind—gonna feel it in the legs tomorrow. Loops and redirects pull more downwind too.
Jumps are good - when the wind is good, it goes up fine, hangs nice and floats good on the way down.
Rotations are fun; good lift when the kite is overhead makes them easy and the agility of the kite makes them fun. Rotation transitions are working again!
Only issue... when turning hard-ish, the unloaded tip—the material on that side—flaps around and feels like it creates drag. Oh and the bar was a tad rough on chilly hands...
Basically, I like the kite—and bar!—and enjoyed a 2-hour session in crappy wind on it. Wished it was bigger though... I think I wouldn't be really excited until closer to 20 knots. Wonder how the Flite 17.5 is?
Noticed a 4 inch slash on the LE when I was packing up—wasn't me, cos the kite only touched the ground on launch and landing. Hope that doesn't bite me in the ass.
Miyachi supposedly has photos of today too... there was a brilliant, 180˚ rainbow when I got in the water too.
EDIT: Miyachi delivers! Doot-doo-doot-dee-doot-de-doo-doo...
Weather was reported as 9-12-9 knots—with gusts to 34 ROFL again! I think the weather station is broken. 11°C at 73%.
Wind felt like 10% having fun, 70% just barely powered but still having fun, 20% underpowered.
Moment of the day was throwing a bit fat backroll... transition!
Mood of the session was intrigued amused happy.
Song stuck in my head was the theme from Rainbow.
It sucks when you can't remember the lyrics except for Doot-doot-doot-dee-doot-de-doo-doot over and over again.
What I learned today...
• Naish have good product.
• Really digging the stopper. Thinking about using my Charger just to use the stopper!
• And really want a Flite. Better email Ned.
• Cold enough that I needed gloves. Hands were a bit shut down at end of session.
• Arms were chilly. Need something to block wind.
• Realized that ALL my Flysurfers are out of commission, even if only very temporarily.
• I love rotation transitions.
• CTBs legs up rolls are tough to do.
• Wonder what the Park is like...
Measured 10 to 20 knots at the shoreline with the anemometer in the few minutes I stood there. A few whitecaps around...
Plan was to pump up both kites but... dang! I guess I been flying the Speeds too much cos pumping up SUCKS. So I only inflated the Fly.
Especially sucky are the 'regular' sized valves and no one-pump—forgot how tricky it can be to get those valves plugged—only 2 struts though... there's a LOT of ripstop in the center of the kite, between them. Was surprised at how fat the leading edge is! Noted the little spar at the center of the leading edge too. Nice simple bridle, Ronstan Orbit pulleys... nice! Bar looks a little narrow though! Have always liked the clean, simple-looking Naish bars... works good! Mutiny swivel needs a lube though.
Tether-launched the Fly. Didn't go up as easy as the Xbow so I decide then and there to NOT test the water relaunch!
Good static pull, very stable - I'm impressed. When the wind dropped, it'd just float back down, rather than stalling and diving like the XB.
Was a bit shocked at how light the bar pressure was. Seemed a bit vague & unresponsive too... I thought about landing the kite and resetting the rear leaders but I'm oddly lazy about that kind of thing—can't be bothered with the whole landing/relaunching thing. If it was a joystick, I'd think that the response curve had been meddled with—fish-poling the bar got it moving.
The Fly is fast, but not too fast. Suitably agile? Be a good kite for a beginner to advance on.
Kite worked ok but was really good to just park'n'ride. Using the stopper, I could just park the kite and take my hands off the bar :o very stable! More downwind pull than the XBs, harder to work it upwind—gonna feel it in the legs tomorrow. Loops and redirects pull more downwind too.
Jumps are good - when the wind is good, it goes up fine, hangs nice and floats good on the way down.
Rotations are fun; good lift when the kite is overhead makes them easy and the agility of the kite makes them fun. Rotation transitions are working again!
Only issue... when turning hard-ish, the unloaded tip—the material on that side—flaps around and feels like it creates drag. Oh and the bar was a tad rough on chilly hands...
Basically, I like the kite—and bar!—and enjoyed a 2-hour session in crappy wind on it. Wished it was bigger though... I think I wouldn't be really excited until closer to 20 knots. Wonder how the Flite 17.5 is?
Noticed a 4 inch slash on the LE when I was packing up—wasn't me, cos the kite only touched the ground on launch and landing. Hope that doesn't bite me in the ass.
Miyachi supposedly has photos of today too... there was a brilliant, 180˚ rainbow when I got in the water too.
EDIT: Miyachi delivers! Doot-doo-doot-dee-doot-de-doo-doo...
Weather was reported as 9-12-9 knots—with gusts to 34 ROFL again! I think the weather station is broken. 11°C at 73%.
Wind felt like 10% having fun, 70% just barely powered but still having fun, 20% underpowered.
Moment of the day was throwing a bit fat backroll... transition!
Mood of the session was intrigued amused happy.
Song stuck in my head was the theme from Rainbow.
It sucks when you can't remember the lyrics except for Doot-doot-doot-dee-doot-de-doo-doot over and over again.
What I learned today...
• Naish have good product.
• Really digging the stopper. Thinking about using my Charger just to use the stopper!
• And really want a Flite. Better email Ned.
• Cold enough that I needed gloves. Hands were a bit shut down at end of session.
• Arms were chilly. Need something to block wind.
• Realized that ALL my Flysurfers are out of commission, even if only very temporarily.
• I love rotation transitions.
• CTBs legs up rolls are tough to do.
• Wonder what the Park is like...
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Joy from the North
Had a couple of beers now (cos I earned them) and on an empty stomach, I'm having a hard time remembering what happened today exactly... went a bit like this.
Got to the lake at 12:30pm-ish. Gloves Man was waiting to get on the water but Junkie Sensei and Old Duffer were waiting for the wind. I took the S3 15 over to the lake with the 2 boards.
Set up the kite and it filled nicely but the wind was up'n'down. Noticed that the endline was looking worn, around wear it bangs up against the tube it threads through... hmm, that doesn't look good. Should be ok, no worries mate.
So I head out on the Flydoor cos the wind is light. I'm riding around ok, not flying upwind but not getting sucked onto the beach either. Noodle noodle doot-de-doo.
Clunk. What is clunk? Oh, the end has snapped off the end-line and my leash is flailing around. Gah. And naturally, the ring falls off when I hook it onto my spreader bar.
What to do, what to do... tie a knot in it and attach the leash to that - but now I can't do rotations or loops without the leash getting wrapped around the QR etc. Hmm...
But the wind has picked up so I swap out for the Flyradical and whoop it up. Gusty and punchy, kite is misbehaving and I have a few tip-wraps, clams, and drops but am getting the hang of either avoiding them (feeling what's happening) or catching them before the bad happens. And then...
And then...
And then the wind switches to the north. ZOMFG smooth, consistent wind!!! Let the good times roll! Which they did for quite a while... I even start to cope with the leash/safety line situation and start doing some nice rotations - even some kewl front rolls. This is more like it! Even the sun comes out... happy times.
Wind starts to drop... I work for a while and enjoy the gusts but now it's starting to rain and the sun is gong time. Time to pack up.
Good day - hopefully, a sign of things to come... from the North.
Moment of the day was when the wind switched to Northerlies. Hallelujah!!!
Mood of the session was anxious annoyed ecstatic.
It sucks when shit breaks.
Weather was reported as 14 to 9 to 10 knots, gusts to 36 (ROFL) and 10°C at 78%.
Wind felt like 30% underpowered, 65% having a good time, 5% OHH SHIIIIIIT SON!!!
What I learned today...
• Worn bits should have attention paid to them :-/
• Unpleasant kite behaviour post-jump seems to be the result of redirecting directly downwind too soon or too aggressively and sending it too far to the edge of the window.
• Better to leave it later and redirect hard.
• Also better to send it with a hard turn, sheet way out and let it run! Big yoink!
• It IS getting cold... thin gloves would be nice. Something to block the wind around my arms too. Don't think it's time for that... scary... 6mm gimp suit. How the hell do I get in that small hole in the top?!
• That's all carry on pass the gin.
Got to the lake at 12:30pm-ish. Gloves Man was waiting to get on the water but Junkie Sensei and Old Duffer were waiting for the wind. I took the S3 15 over to the lake with the 2 boards.
Set up the kite and it filled nicely but the wind was up'n'down. Noticed that the endline was looking worn, around wear it bangs up against the tube it threads through... hmm, that doesn't look good. Should be ok, no worries mate.
So I head out on the Flydoor cos the wind is light. I'm riding around ok, not flying upwind but not getting sucked onto the beach either. Noodle noodle doot-de-doo.
Clunk. What is clunk? Oh, the end has snapped off the end-line and my leash is flailing around. Gah. And naturally, the ring falls off when I hook it onto my spreader bar.
What to do, what to do... tie a knot in it and attach the leash to that - but now I can't do rotations or loops without the leash getting wrapped around the QR etc. Hmm...
But the wind has picked up so I swap out for the Flyradical and whoop it up. Gusty and punchy, kite is misbehaving and I have a few tip-wraps, clams, and drops but am getting the hang of either avoiding them (feeling what's happening) or catching them before the bad happens. And then...
And then...
And then the wind switches to the north. ZOMFG smooth, consistent wind!!! Let the good times roll! Which they did for quite a while... I even start to cope with the leash/safety line situation and start doing some nice rotations - even some kewl front rolls. This is more like it! Even the sun comes out... happy times.
Wind starts to drop... I work for a while and enjoy the gusts but now it's starting to rain and the sun is gong time. Time to pack up.
Good day - hopefully, a sign of things to come... from the North.
Moment of the day was when the wind switched to Northerlies. Hallelujah!!!
Mood of the session was anxious annoyed ecstatic.
It sucks when shit breaks.
Weather was reported as 14 to 9 to 10 knots, gusts to 36 (ROFL) and 10°C at 78%.
Wind felt like 30% underpowered, 65% having a good time, 5% OHH SHIIIIIIT SON!!!
What I learned today...
• Worn bits should have attention paid to them :-/
• Unpleasant kite behaviour post-jump seems to be the result of redirecting directly downwind too soon or too aggressively and sending it too far to the edge of the window.
• Better to leave it later and redirect hard.
• Also better to send it with a hard turn, sheet way out and let it run! Big yoink!
• It IS getting cold... thin gloves would be nice. Something to block the wind around my arms too. Don't think it's time for that... scary... 6mm gimp suit. How the hell do I get in that small hole in the top?!
• That's all carry on pass the gin.
gear failure,
speed3 15
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Short morning ride
Didn't look like much wind in the forecast, but the hourly data and the webcam were promising so I headed down the lake at 10 a.m., with my watch on my wrist cos I gotta work in the afternoon :-/
According to The Master of Disaster, the wind was dropping. 'K, that'll be the Psycho4 19 then... oh no it won't be, cos the endline on the old bar is holding on by a single thread only. Can't be bothered pumping up the Xbow 16 so it'll have to be the Speed3 15... but given the time I had with it last time, and the concerns I have over the mixer... le sigh.
Get to the beach and the wind has dropped. I launch easily and head out with the Flydoor, for a few tacks before the wind gives out completely. Stand around for a while waiting... wind picks up and I head out and get about 40 minutes of riding...
Varied from mowing the lawn to doing a few small jumps and rotations. Didn't have to walk at all but wasn't going upwind easily :(
Kite didn't give me too much grief--I was just thinking that it was pretty good when we got hit by a punchy bit and it twitched on me. Also managed to wrap a tip once, just like the 12 was doing... I think there's a bit of technique involved too. Easy enough to sort that one out... still want to check the mixer!
Gave up about 11:45 as the wind had dropped right off and refused to come back up--although according to the hourly data, the afternoon was awesome. My shortest session in a very long time.
Moment of the day was realizing I have totally sussed out back-rolls in one direction (effortless big ones!) and am comfortable and confident on my weak side!
Mood of the session was less than thrilled.
It sucks when you wrap your safety leash around the board's fins. And the bar. And backwards around your leg...
Weather was reported as 12-14 knots, 16°C at 56%. Max gusts today were 24 knots but that was well after I left the lake.
Wind felt like 5 to 10 knots most of the time, and no more than 15 knots in the good bits :(
What I learned today...
• I might be using bad technique on the redirect to cause the tip-wraps and stalls... maybe. Be nice to actually get flyable wind to test all this in!
• Standing on the boards flatter of foot, as it were, gives an easier ride - edging too hard causes all the spray and skipping around.
• Splashing down from a back-roll can force a massive amount of water right up my nose.
• Working the S3... best method seems to be gentle sines with consistent but gradual turns.
• Front-rolls... I have to go back to not doing using the kite :(
According to The Master of Disaster, the wind was dropping. 'K, that'll be the Psycho4 19 then... oh no it won't be, cos the endline on the old bar is holding on by a single thread only. Can't be bothered pumping up the Xbow 16 so it'll have to be the Speed3 15... but given the time I had with it last time, and the concerns I have over the mixer... le sigh.
Get to the beach and the wind has dropped. I launch easily and head out with the Flydoor, for a few tacks before the wind gives out completely. Stand around for a while waiting... wind picks up and I head out and get about 40 minutes of riding...
Varied from mowing the lawn to doing a few small jumps and rotations. Didn't have to walk at all but wasn't going upwind easily :(
Kite didn't give me too much grief--I was just thinking that it was pretty good when we got hit by a punchy bit and it twitched on me. Also managed to wrap a tip once, just like the 12 was doing... I think there's a bit of technique involved too. Easy enough to sort that one out... still want to check the mixer!
Gave up about 11:45 as the wind had dropped right off and refused to come back up--although according to the hourly data, the afternoon was awesome. My shortest session in a very long time.
Moment of the day was realizing I have totally sussed out back-rolls in one direction (effortless big ones!) and am comfortable and confident on my weak side!
Mood of the session was less than thrilled.
It sucks when you wrap your safety leash around the board's fins. And the bar. And backwards around your leg...
Weather was reported as 12-14 knots, 16°C at 56%. Max gusts today were 24 knots but that was well after I left the lake.
Wind felt like 5 to 10 knots most of the time, and no more than 15 knots in the good bits :(
What I learned today...
• I might be using bad technique on the redirect to cause the tip-wraps and stalls... maybe. Be nice to actually get flyable wind to test all this in!
• Standing on the boards flatter of foot, as it were, gives an easier ride - edging too hard causes all the spray and skipping around.
• Splashing down from a back-roll can force a massive amount of water right up my nose.
• Working the S3... best method seems to be gentle sines with consistent but gradual turns.
• Front-rolls... I have to go back to not doing using the kite :(
Friday, November 9, 2012
A lucky disaster
The forecast on GPV and the Locus webpage finally aligned - I checked them both at 1pm at it looked good so I finished my whatnot at home then loaded up and headed out around 2. Must have arrived about 2:30pm, headed over to the beach and measured the wind - good solid 16 to 20 knots... The Master of Disaster thought it was just the "rain blow" but I thought I'd rely on the good forecast and rig small.
Had moments of doubt setting up the S3 12 but once it was in the air, and once I'd had a single walk up the beach, it was all on. Good wind!
Seemed fairly consistent for a while; smooth enough that I was doing foot outs (ugly but landed them... need more work huh) and phat backrolls like a boss... then the wind got punchy :( and started making me look like a twat.
My timing for redirects was wa-aay off and at first, I sending the kite too early and getting yoinked. Got back in the groove a little but the kite started to get fond of shooting across the window to the very edge... then front-stalling. Recovered a number of tip twists when it did this. And the kite would front stall when I unloaded the lines carving 'waves' rather than just floating downwind. Hmm, mixer not right?
Some good jumps, loving the 12 and it's got nice hangtime now, more consistent feel through the wind range. Just that stalling issue... gotta do some research!
So I'm having a good time, trying to cope with the redirects when I drop the kite and twist the left hand tip... dick around trying to fix it but it's not going to recover this time.
Then I notice that the metal clip on the chicken loop has broken - one end is held on by only one side of the U-loop :o so it's kinda lucky that the kite is all messed up, otherwise... it might have given way in the middle of a jump :o
The kite is thrashing around, but I can touch the bottom so I try and sort it out while shuffling back towards the beach - naturally, I'm upwind of the bloody trees. Miyachi comes into the water and rescues my board, then rescues the kite from The Master of Disaster who is trying to grab the bridles. I wrap up the lines while Miyachi holds the kite, then fold it tip-to-tip and walk it to shore. Bridle looks a horrid mess but is untangled in a few seconds :)
Close look at the QR... sigh, guess I won't be riding that again today. But I launch the kite on the beach to dry it out, holding onto the depower line. Back up, head home... got about 80 minutes on the water.
After what feels like weeks of no wind, it's all good!
Moment of the day was that feeling of extended hangtime for the first time.
Mood of the session was relieved philosophical thankful.
It sucks when you've borked up the mixer test... or think you have.
Weather was reported as 12 to 14 knots, 15°C at 61%. Gusts to 22 knots at 4:30pm.
Wind felt like it was closer to my measured 20 knots... 80% nicely powered, 10% under-powered and 10% thrilled.
What I learned today...
• Foot outs... I seem to be messing up the balance of myself or the kite and making landings a bunch more difficult than they need to be - I've gone down in skills! :o
• As the mixer test is, I've gotten better bottom end than before, faster turning speed (slightly), and the upwind is good. Hangtime is really nice, and there's no backstall while floating under the kite with the bar right in.
• However, it seems unstable and prone to shooting across the window then front-stalling... hmm.
• Gotta get to the forums for some research.
• The water is shallow :o I guess all the storms have driven sand into the beach, making it shallow further out than it used to be... hit the bottom on a couple of splash downs!
• Me and metal just don't seem to be getting on at the moment :(
• This is the season to be riding my LEIs...
Had moments of doubt setting up the S3 12 but once it was in the air, and once I'd had a single walk up the beach, it was all on. Good wind!
Seemed fairly consistent for a while; smooth enough that I was doing foot outs (ugly but landed them... need more work huh) and phat backrolls like a boss... then the wind got punchy :( and started making me look like a twat.
My timing for redirects was wa-aay off and at first, I sending the kite too early and getting yoinked. Got back in the groove a little but the kite started to get fond of shooting across the window to the very edge... then front-stalling. Recovered a number of tip twists when it did this. And the kite would front stall when I unloaded the lines carving 'waves' rather than just floating downwind. Hmm, mixer not right?
Some good jumps, loving the 12 and it's got nice hangtime now, more consistent feel through the wind range. Just that stalling issue... gotta do some research!
So I'm having a good time, trying to cope with the redirects when I drop the kite and twist the left hand tip... dick around trying to fix it but it's not going to recover this time.
Then I notice that the metal clip on the chicken loop has broken - one end is held on by only one side of the U-loop :o so it's kinda lucky that the kite is all messed up, otherwise... it might have given way in the middle of a jump :o
The kite is thrashing around, but I can touch the bottom so I try and sort it out while shuffling back towards the beach - naturally, I'm upwind of the bloody trees. Miyachi comes into the water and rescues my board, then rescues the kite from The Master of Disaster who is trying to grab the bridles. I wrap up the lines while Miyachi holds the kite, then fold it tip-to-tip and walk it to shore. Bridle looks a horrid mess but is untangled in a few seconds :)
Close look at the QR... sigh, guess I won't be riding that again today. But I launch the kite on the beach to dry it out, holding onto the depower line. Back up, head home... got about 80 minutes on the water.
After what feels like weeks of no wind, it's all good!
Moment of the day was that feeling of extended hangtime for the first time.
Mood of the session was relieved philosophical thankful.
It sucks when you've borked up the mixer test... or think you have.
Weather was reported as 12 to 14 knots, 15°C at 61%. Gusts to 22 knots at 4:30pm.
Wind felt like it was closer to my measured 20 knots... 80% nicely powered, 10% under-powered and 10% thrilled.
What I learned today...
• Foot outs... I seem to be messing up the balance of myself or the kite and making landings a bunch more difficult than they need to be - I've gone down in skills! :o
• As the mixer test is, I've gotten better bottom end than before, faster turning speed (slightly), and the upwind is good. Hangtime is really nice, and there's no backstall while floating under the kite with the bar right in.
• However, it seems unstable and prone to shooting across the window then front-stalling... hmm.
• Gotta get to the forums for some research.
• The water is shallow :o I guess all the storms have driven sand into the beach, making it shallow further out than it used to be... hit the bottom on a couple of splash downs!
• Me and metal just don't seem to be getting on at the moment :(
• This is the season to be riding my LEIs...
gear failure,
speed3 12
Friday, November 2, 2012
Supposed to be blowing good all day but the web cam is showing... dead calm. Keep an eye on it all day and finally something starts to happen around 2:30pm. Load up and head down to the lake...
White caps out there. Doesn't look too strong though - decide to take the Pyscho4 19 for a test-fly anyway. Bit chilly getting dressed so I put my 3mm booties on. Contemplate the gloves but can't be bothered.
Set up on the beach... untangle the twists I put in the bridle doing the replacements. Wind is not bad, I might be able to ride after all. Try to inflate the kite by standing on the tip - doesn't seem to work for me :D so I inflate the regular way and launch.
Kite is good - mixer tune was successful, it seems. Still flying it on the old 21 bar though - eep. Wind seems rideable so I get into the water... it's way cross on though. Double eep. If the shit goes down, next stop is about 5km down stream.
Tack out, back in... come ashore past our beach in the trees bit. Naturally, the kite stalls in a lull then reopens just as I'm trying to come ashore - I get yoinked through the shallows and dance over all the nasty rocks hiding there, ripping open my boot and getting a boo-boo on my foot. Mutter mutter moan complain.
Walk back up the beach, try again. Wind is so up and down that I do that a few times. Trying to get used to the Psycho doesn't help...
Obviously, the Psycho turns faster than the Speed3 21 and makes enough power when doing so for it to be a viable low-wind option. Needs a good ol' haul on the bar though. When the wind is good, it parks nicely but likes to be given its head and let run. Still a bit back-stally but I'm betting that's the fault of the bar & line set.
So I potter around, trying to keep upwind. A few jumps but only one was exciting - and that just reminded me that I shouldn't probably be trying that with a mostly unknown kite. Miyachi comes out for a ride too. We both end up having to loop the kite to get back into shore. Then the wind picks up again...
Sun is going down, and so is the wind. I give up, pack up and head back to the warm shower. My board falls over as I'm washing it and dings the edge.
Sigh... dinged board, ripped boots, sore foot - why did I bother?
Moment of the day was non-existent.
Mood of the session was anxious irked resigned.
It sucks when you bang all your gear around.
Weather was reported as 14 knots; 13°C at 55%. Max gust was 40 knots (!) but that was at 1am so... so what.
Wind felt like nothing to maybe 18 knots... gusty and lully and just shit.
What I learned today...
• Boots go under the suit - otherwise, stones get into the boots.
• Psycho4 19 makes nice power when being worked - makes up for it's lack of low-end parkability.
• Bar pressure seems about the same as the Speeds...?
• Need new 3mm boots :-/
• And I probably didn't even need them - wasn't that cold.
• The new FSer straps are easy to adjust, at least.
White caps out there. Doesn't look too strong though - decide to take the Pyscho4 19 for a test-fly anyway. Bit chilly getting dressed so I put my 3mm booties on. Contemplate the gloves but can't be bothered.
Set up on the beach... untangle the twists I put in the bridle doing the replacements. Wind is not bad, I might be able to ride after all. Try to inflate the kite by standing on the tip - doesn't seem to work for me :D so I inflate the regular way and launch.
Kite is good - mixer tune was successful, it seems. Still flying it on the old 21 bar though - eep. Wind seems rideable so I get into the water... it's way cross on though. Double eep. If the shit goes down, next stop is about 5km down stream.
Tack out, back in... come ashore past our beach in the trees bit. Naturally, the kite stalls in a lull then reopens just as I'm trying to come ashore - I get yoinked through the shallows and dance over all the nasty rocks hiding there, ripping open my boot and getting a boo-boo on my foot. Mutter mutter moan complain.
Walk back up the beach, try again. Wind is so up and down that I do that a few times. Trying to get used to the Psycho doesn't help...
Obviously, the Psycho turns faster than the Speed3 21 and makes enough power when doing so for it to be a viable low-wind option. Needs a good ol' haul on the bar though. When the wind is good, it parks nicely but likes to be given its head and let run. Still a bit back-stally but I'm betting that's the fault of the bar & line set.
So I potter around, trying to keep upwind. A few jumps but only one was exciting - and that just reminded me that I shouldn't probably be trying that with a mostly unknown kite. Miyachi comes out for a ride too. We both end up having to loop the kite to get back into shore. Then the wind picks up again...
Sun is going down, and so is the wind. I give up, pack up and head back to the warm shower. My board falls over as I'm washing it and dings the edge.
Sigh... dinged board, ripped boots, sore foot - why did I bother?
Moment of the day was non-existent.
Mood of the session was anxious irked resigned.
It sucks when you bang all your gear around.
Weather was reported as 14 knots; 13°C at 55%. Max gust was 40 knots (!) but that was at 1am so... so what.
Wind felt like nothing to maybe 18 knots... gusty and lully and just shit.
What I learned today...
• Boots go under the suit - otherwise, stones get into the boots.
• Psycho4 19 makes nice power when being worked - makes up for it's lack of low-end parkability.
• Bar pressure seems about the same as the Speeds...?
• Need new 3mm boots :-/
• And I probably didn't even need them - wasn't that cold.
• The new FSer straps are easy to adjust, at least.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Punch-drunk like a short dude
When I was writing yesterday's blog, I happened to spot the forecast for today - holy epic goodness, Batman! Much anticipation...
In the morning, checked the hourly data - WTF 12 knots? Locus webcam looks great though. Pack the car with the Xbow's and add the S3 15 just in case. Seems unnecessary on arrival, as it looks like we got the goods when I get to the lake! Hump the 13 and 10 and both Flyboards over to the beach...
Pump up the 10 so it can dry out and contemplate using it. Mmm, seems like the wind has dropped... rig the 13 instead. Self-launch with the anchor, too easy - the wind has gone? Oh well, try the 'radical anyway.
Off and riding but just holding ground for a while. The wind is up'n'down - mostly down - then REALLY picks up and gusts like a mother. Punchy like a drunken short guy who thinks you're hitting on his ex-wife. I really should be on the 10... but am too lazy to change. Play with the trim a lot.
Have the GoPro on the kite so do some showing off... and get slammed a lot :D once the wind has picked up, it gets too risky to try anything cos I'm getting dumped or yoinked or just pulled of my edge :-/ so I go back to playing with waves and trying to boost big.
Keep trying to spot if the camera is still recording - can't see the red light. Tone it down a bit cos I'm getting tired and there's no point in getting worked over if it's not on film. Enjoy some cruising carving rides - when the wind isn't trying to jerk me into the beach - and the flat water areas.
Wondering what the time is, feeling tired... I head into pack up. Self-land with the anchor but the wind is so gusty that it just won't sit in one spot. Le sigh... at least the GoPro is still recording. Although there's a spot of goddamn fog on it!
Called the weather "crappy" cos it was just ridiculous, trying to ride out the gusts and all the punchy shit in between. Would have been "epic" if it was smoother...
Moment of the day was realizing the camera had actually recorded the whole thing!
Mood of the session was puzzled battered annoyed.
It sucks when you're trying to show off for the camera but just get slammed instead.
Weather was reported as 14-15 knots (BULLSHIT) with gusts to 28; 19°C at 55%.
Wind felt like it was fucking retarded. Underpowered to stupidly overpowered.
What I learned today...
• The height you get from jumps when stupidly overpowered isn't that much more than powered. On the XB, at least. The Speed3s are more rewarding of your boneheaded courage.
• Maybe I just need to work on my technique? ... still!
• Really need to work on back-rolls in the other direction.
• And front-rolls. In both directions.
• Footouts need work - getting knees up high enough is difficult with the wetsuit, harness, and stomach in the way :-/
• Seems I'm out of sorts with the 13 XB or may be just the LEIs - first time I've used them since Thailand!
• Fucking fogging up GoPro - there's a whole sheet of desiccant in the case!!! It's viewable, but not crystal clear.
• But the battery lasted for 120 minutes - not bad!
• Kite below 45º to edge against it, above for lift. Very easy to feel with the LEI...
• But you don't get to go upwind so well as the Speeds when fighting against the overpower.
• Self-land with an anchor - if the kite won't behave, hold the nearest-the-ground steering line and walk to the kite - it should sit in place.
In the morning, checked the hourly data - WTF 12 knots? Locus webcam looks great though. Pack the car with the Xbow's and add the S3 15 just in case. Seems unnecessary on arrival, as it looks like we got the goods when I get to the lake! Hump the 13 and 10 and both Flyboards over to the beach...
Pump up the 10 so it can dry out and contemplate using it. Mmm, seems like the wind has dropped... rig the 13 instead. Self-launch with the anchor, too easy - the wind has gone? Oh well, try the 'radical anyway.
Off and riding but just holding ground for a while. The wind is up'n'down - mostly down - then REALLY picks up and gusts like a mother. Punchy like a drunken short guy who thinks you're hitting on his ex-wife. I really should be on the 10... but am too lazy to change. Play with the trim a lot.
Have the GoPro on the kite so do some showing off... and get slammed a lot :D once the wind has picked up, it gets too risky to try anything cos I'm getting dumped or yoinked or just pulled of my edge :-/ so I go back to playing with waves and trying to boost big.
Keep trying to spot if the camera is still recording - can't see the red light. Tone it down a bit cos I'm getting tired and there's no point in getting worked over if it's not on film. Enjoy some cruising carving rides - when the wind isn't trying to jerk me into the beach - and the flat water areas.
Wondering what the time is, feeling tired... I head into pack up. Self-land with the anchor but the wind is so gusty that it just won't sit in one spot. Le sigh... at least the GoPro is still recording. Although there's a spot of goddamn fog on it!
Called the weather "crappy" cos it was just ridiculous, trying to ride out the gusts and all the punchy shit in between. Would have been "epic" if it was smoother...
Moment of the day was realizing the camera had actually recorded the whole thing!
Mood of the session was puzzled battered annoyed.
It sucks when you're trying to show off for the camera but just get slammed instead.
Weather was reported as 14-15 knots (BULLSHIT) with gusts to 28; 19°C at 55%.
Wind felt like it was fucking retarded. Underpowered to stupidly overpowered.
What I learned today...
• The height you get from jumps when stupidly overpowered isn't that much more than powered. On the XB, at least. The Speed3s are more rewarding of your boneheaded courage.
• Maybe I just need to work on my technique? ... still!
• Really need to work on back-rolls in the other direction.
• And front-rolls. In both directions.
• Footouts need work - getting knees up high enough is difficult with the wetsuit, harness, and stomach in the way :-/
• Seems I'm out of sorts with the 13 XB or may be just the LEIs - first time I've used them since Thailand!
• Fucking fogging up GoPro - there's a whole sheet of desiccant in the case!!! It's viewable, but not crystal clear.
• But the battery lasted for 120 minutes - not bad!
• Kite below 45º to edge against it, above for lift. Very easy to feel with the LEI...
• But you don't get to go upwind so well as the Speeds when fighting against the overpower.
• Self-land with an anchor - if the kite won't behave, hold the nearest-the-ground steering line and walk to the kite - it should sit in place.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Zinging in the Rain
O woe is me! More than a week with no ride! So despite the forecast of rain along with a good blow, I loaded up the car and headed over to Mie at the crack of dawn. 9am. It's Sunday, y'know - anything before 11 is the crack of dawn.
Wife insisted we go to Starbucks (blerg) so we didn't get on the highway until 9:30. Drove through the rain, which lessened by the time we arrived in Tsu, at the beach, about 10:45. Rain was non-existent and the wind looked great!
Hironobu was coming in just as I was going out - said he doesn't like the rain that's coming but he was comfortable on a 9 C-kite. Hmm, I think I'll give the 10m Xbow a shot. Measured a solid 18+ knots on the shore.
Naturally, as I start pumping up, it starts raining :-/ Fuck, I'm still going for it. Jump in the water with the Flyradical... I might not be powered enough for it but - hey whaddya know, I'm riding!
Ah, it's fun to be back on the 10m - it's been over a year since I used it, I reckon! I can see why people like the quicker kites and now I'm kinda used to it, it rules. Jumps start off pretty good, kite is easy to redirect all around the show and the landings are smooth. Sent back-rolls are good but a bit hairy on the landing - the water is pretty rough. There's a nice flat are south of the launch spot - tide is low-ish - so that's fun.
Noodle around for about an hour, then the wind drops. Swap the 'radical for the Flydoor. Still riding and having fun...
Been raining all the session so far but shortly after I swap boards, the rain REALLY comes in - zOMG it's vapourizing the surface of the ocean! The wind then dies off so I come back to shore and land the kite. Or rather, it falls outa the sky and I walk in and secure it. Wrap my lines up and wash the salt out of my hair in the torrential downpour...
Rain slacks off, wind picks up. I go back out for another 1/2 or so but the wind just doesn't have the oomph, even with the Flydoor, to do much other than mow the lawn. I call it a day and pack up - now it's after 1pm.
Yes, it was worth the drive and trunk-full of soggy gear :)
Moment of the day was getting out and riding at all... then being well-powered on the 10 and my 'small' board!
Mood of the session was surprised stoked deflated.
Its sucks when it's raining so hard, the water pools in your leeward eye socket!
Weather was reported as 20 falling to 14 knots, gusts to 28 just around the time I got on the water; 18°C at 81%.
Wind felt pretty good - I was surprised I could ride the 10m in only 20knots and have fun.
What I learned today...
• I seem to be able to get away with riding smaller kites in 'less' wind - maybe I have some kite skills finally? :o
• Riding in the rain is actually bearable. Will do it again. If I have to.
• Going from the 'radical to the 'door - the new 'door with the center fin feels like it has more drag, but is actually faster and certainly seems more locked into the water. Holds a line like it's on rails, while the 'radical needs the rear weighted to carve and can be bouncy. But is more fun :D
• I see a need for either less depower or a stopper ball on the smaller kite.
• That frothy area behind a breaking wave made me eat shit a few times again today - keep forgetting to weight the rear of the board to compensate!
Wife insisted we go to Starbucks (blerg) so we didn't get on the highway until 9:30. Drove through the rain, which lessened by the time we arrived in Tsu, at the beach, about 10:45. Rain was non-existent and the wind looked great!
Hironobu was coming in just as I was going out - said he doesn't like the rain that's coming but he was comfortable on a 9 C-kite. Hmm, I think I'll give the 10m Xbow a shot. Measured a solid 18+ knots on the shore.
Naturally, as I start pumping up, it starts raining :-/ Fuck, I'm still going for it. Jump in the water with the Flyradical... I might not be powered enough for it but - hey whaddya know, I'm riding!
Ah, it's fun to be back on the 10m - it's been over a year since I used it, I reckon! I can see why people like the quicker kites and now I'm kinda used to it, it rules. Jumps start off pretty good, kite is easy to redirect all around the show and the landings are smooth. Sent back-rolls are good but a bit hairy on the landing - the water is pretty rough. There's a nice flat are south of the launch spot - tide is low-ish - so that's fun.
Noodle around for about an hour, then the wind drops. Swap the 'radical for the Flydoor. Still riding and having fun...
Been raining all the session so far but shortly after I swap boards, the rain REALLY comes in - zOMG it's vapourizing the surface of the ocean! The wind then dies off so I come back to shore and land the kite. Or rather, it falls outa the sky and I walk in and secure it. Wrap my lines up and wash the salt out of my hair in the torrential downpour...
Rain slacks off, wind picks up. I go back out for another 1/2 or so but the wind just doesn't have the oomph, even with the Flydoor, to do much other than mow the lawn. I call it a day and pack up - now it's after 1pm.
Yes, it was worth the drive and trunk-full of soggy gear :)
Moment of the day was getting out and riding at all... then being well-powered on the 10 and my 'small' board!
Mood of the session was surprised stoked deflated.
Its sucks when it's raining so hard, the water pools in your leeward eye socket!
Weather was reported as 20 falling to 14 knots, gusts to 28 just around the time I got on the water; 18°C at 81%.
Wind felt pretty good - I was surprised I could ride the 10m in only 20knots and have fun.
What I learned today...
• I seem to be able to get away with riding smaller kites in 'less' wind - maybe I have some kite skills finally? :o
• Riding in the rain is actually bearable. Will do it again. If I have to.
• Going from the 'radical to the 'door - the new 'door with the center fin feels like it has more drag, but is actually faster and certainly seems more locked into the water. Holds a line like it's on rails, while the 'radical needs the rear weighted to carve and can be bouncy. But is more fun :D
• I see a need for either less depower or a stopper ball on the smaller kite.
• That frothy area behind a breaking wave made me eat shit a few times again today - keep forgetting to weight the rear of the board to compensate!
crossbow 10,
Friday, October 19, 2012
Typhoon shmyphoon
Supposed to be good all day today. Supposed to be busy in the PM. Head to the lake at 9:30, get on the water about 10 with the Speed3 12 and the 'radical but I have my doubts...
Oh not bad! Struggle a bit to get used to the kite again - either the mixer is off or it's just a more technical kite to fly. Get some great boosts in, some ok backrolls (no real height to them) and some fun on the waves, which have nice wide flat spots between them.
12 needs gentle handling (for now) to get the most out of it - jump and feel the kite otherwise it'll either stall from too much bar or drop you cos not sheeted in enough. Combine that with almost no bar pressure or feedback :(
Dick around for an hour then it starts lulling... while I'm standing on the beach trying to decide what to do, Miyachi takes his 6 out but is unimpressed. It's 11:20. I decide to pack up and he goes back out on the water with a 10, looking more powered. Wind still isn't up to much... rotten bastard.
Moment of the day was that jump with the brutal take-off, massive height, and perfect landing.
Mood of the session was amused satisfied frustrated.
It sucks when you're in the right mood but the wind isn't going to co-operate.
Weather was reported as 12 to 21 knots from 10 to 12pm; 18°C at 40%! I also measured 12 to 21 on the shore but it dropped right down after an hour :(
Wind felt like it was drunk, stumbling down the road, running to keep its balance and then falling on its face.
What I learned today...
• The 12 needs mixer tweaking. Surely it can't be THAT back-stally in this wind!!! And I hate having no feedback!
• Not twitchy in the gusts as the 15 was - better choice of size, I guess - just hauled ass and took off. I got skipped like a stone once :)
• Tempted to go back out this afternoon if the wife doesn't pull finger with her plans.
• When packing up, drag from the middle of the tip up the LE - seems to be the best way to stop the bridles falling all out over the place.
Oh not bad! Struggle a bit to get used to the kite again - either the mixer is off or it's just a more technical kite to fly. Get some great boosts in, some ok backrolls (no real height to them) and some fun on the waves, which have nice wide flat spots between them.
12 needs gentle handling (for now) to get the most out of it - jump and feel the kite otherwise it'll either stall from too much bar or drop you cos not sheeted in enough. Combine that with almost no bar pressure or feedback :(
Dick around for an hour then it starts lulling... while I'm standing on the beach trying to decide what to do, Miyachi takes his 6 out but is unimpressed. It's 11:20. I decide to pack up and he goes back out on the water with a 10, looking more powered. Wind still isn't up to much... rotten bastard.
Moment of the day was that jump with the brutal take-off, massive height, and perfect landing.
Mood of the session was amused satisfied frustrated.
It sucks when you're in the right mood but the wind isn't going to co-operate.
Weather was reported as 12 to 21 knots from 10 to 12pm; 18°C at 40%! I also measured 12 to 21 on the shore but it dropped right down after an hour :(
Wind felt like it was drunk, stumbling down the road, running to keep its balance and then falling on its face.
What I learned today...
• The 12 needs mixer tweaking. Surely it can't be THAT back-stally in this wind!!! And I hate having no feedback!
• Not twitchy in the gusts as the 15 was - better choice of size, I guess - just hauled ass and took off. I got skipped like a stone once :)
• Tempted to go back out this afternoon if the wife doesn't pull finger with her plans.
• When packing up, drag from the middle of the tip up the LE - seems to be the best way to stop the bridles falling all out over the place.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Stunning sunset
Looked like someone set the sky on fire. Before that though...
Headed down to the lake and arrived at 2pm. Forecast looked like it'd be the same as it has been recently. What I DIDN'T know and didn't find out till I'd back up is that a fucking TYPHOON is coming through...
So I happily launched my Speed3 15. Huh, paraglider fun on the beach like in that Gunnar Old School video - this should be good! Wasn't sure I could ride the 'radical but head out on it anyway... ok, holding ground fine and throwing down rooly nice back- and frontrolls but the jumps are just about lame. Hironobu is on his 14m Torch... we're both struggling to get back upwind for a while.
Then the wind picks up. Now we're having fun! I'm hoping Grandpa got at least one of the good jumps on video - I did wave at him after all. That's pretty cool for a while!
Then the wind picks up. Holy shit. Struggling to hold the edge but when I get it right - some of my biggest jumps to date. I land most of them too :D KNEW I should have had the camera on!!!
It was pretty fricken awesome. Started to get a bit hairy at the end and when Miyachi came in to swap his 10m for his 6, I decide to pack up and get an assisted landing... only a few minutes before dark anyway and the amazing show the sky was to put on!
The reset mixer was nice - bottom end seems fine, negligible backstall although the lines are still iffy, upwind and stability appear to be fine, but I seem to have lost top-end...? I know it was punchy, cos the tubes were herk-a-jerking too. Several times, the kite sorta taco'd and then surged. Fine on the water but scary on the land.
Kite came off the spreader bar twice. Seems it's rotating up then sticking that way.
First time, I managed to hang onto the bar and although the kite was choking, I kept it in the air then hooked in again. Second time, the kite went to safety and I relaunched the hard way. Hmm, fuck that shit. Fuck that shit right in the fuckin' ass.
Guess the kite was in the water a couple of times then... no problems relaunching until one of the tip bridle lines got stuck. That wasn't pleasant. Had to reland the kite and manually untangle it - the bloody thing had basically lark's headed itself to another line and was wrapped so the line that would pull and release it was stuck too. Neat. Especially as it amplified the surging/taco problem :-/
Nearly did a sent frontroll transition too but sunk on the way out. So I will be able to do them... at least in one direction :D
And now for the crappy pics from the shitty cellphone...
Moment of the day was whooping up a hooj air, realizing that the landing was going to be borked cos redirection was coming too soon but sending it back a tad then redirecting and landing it perfect. Oh fucking yes!
Mood of the session was puzzled hilarious shit-in-pants.
Weather was reported as 8 to 14 knots, gusts to 22. 18°C at 74%.
Wind felt like 30% just underpowered, 50% nicely overpowered, 20% I KILL YOU!!!
What I learned today...
• "Feeling" the kite for big sent backrolls properly means you can boost as high as you want and still put a roll in :) whee!
• Knees up = leaning back, which seems to slow down or halt the rotation. Important for landing downwind and not over-rotating.
• Unfortunately, that now seems to risk CL sliding off the spreader bar :(
• Leaving front rolls for a bit later after you take off seems to work better. For the popped ones anyway.
• Fuck-off big airs... the trick to landing them is to fly the kite DERP but when you feel the kite redirecting too soon, send it back briefly THEN redirect for landing. Kewl!
• Tomorrow morning is typhoon time - I might actually get to use my 7m :o
Headed down to the lake and arrived at 2pm. Forecast looked like it'd be the same as it has been recently. What I DIDN'T know and didn't find out till I'd back up is that a fucking TYPHOON is coming through...
So I happily launched my Speed3 15. Huh, paraglider fun on the beach like in that Gunnar Old School video - this should be good! Wasn't sure I could ride the 'radical but head out on it anyway... ok, holding ground fine and throwing down rooly nice back- and frontrolls but the jumps are just about lame. Hironobu is on his 14m Torch... we're both struggling to get back upwind for a while.
Then the wind picks up. Now we're having fun! I'm hoping Grandpa got at least one of the good jumps on video - I did wave at him after all. That's pretty cool for a while!
Then the wind picks up. Holy shit. Struggling to hold the edge but when I get it right - some of my biggest jumps to date. I land most of them too :D KNEW I should have had the camera on!!!
It was pretty fricken awesome. Started to get a bit hairy at the end and when Miyachi came in to swap his 10m for his 6, I decide to pack up and get an assisted landing... only a few minutes before dark anyway and the amazing show the sky was to put on!
The reset mixer was nice - bottom end seems fine, negligible backstall although the lines are still iffy, upwind and stability appear to be fine, but I seem to have lost top-end...? I know it was punchy, cos the tubes were herk-a-jerking too. Several times, the kite sorta taco'd and then surged. Fine on the water but scary on the land.
Kite came off the spreader bar twice. Seems it's rotating up then sticking that way.
First time, I managed to hang onto the bar and although the kite was choking, I kept it in the air then hooked in again. Second time, the kite went to safety and I relaunched the hard way. Hmm, fuck that shit. Fuck that shit right in the fuckin' ass.
Guess the kite was in the water a couple of times then... no problems relaunching until one of the tip bridle lines got stuck. That wasn't pleasant. Had to reland the kite and manually untangle it - the bloody thing had basically lark's headed itself to another line and was wrapped so the line that would pull and release it was stuck too. Neat. Especially as it amplified the surging/taco problem :-/
Nearly did a sent frontroll transition too but sunk on the way out. So I will be able to do them... at least in one direction :D
And now for the crappy pics from the shitty cellphone...
Moment of the day was whooping up a hooj air, realizing that the landing was going to be borked cos redirection was coming too soon but sending it back a tad then redirecting and landing it perfect. Oh fucking yes!
Mood of the session was puzzled hilarious shit-in-pants.
Weather was reported as 8 to 14 knots, gusts to 22. 18°C at 74%.
Wind felt like 30% just underpowered, 50% nicely overpowered, 20% I KILL YOU!!!
What I learned today...
• "Feeling" the kite for big sent backrolls properly means you can boost as high as you want and still put a roll in :) whee!
• Knees up = leaning back, which seems to slow down or halt the rotation. Important for landing downwind and not over-rotating.
• Unfortunately, that now seems to risk CL sliding off the spreader bar :(
• Leaving front rolls for a bit later after you take off seems to work better. For the popped ones anyway.
• Fuck-off big airs... the trick to landing them is to fly the kite DERP but when you feel the kite redirecting too soon, send it back briefly THEN redirect for landing. Kewl!
• Tomorrow morning is typhoon time - I might actually get to use my 7m :o
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Monday, October 15, 2012
Mixer annoyance UPDATED:10/16
GPV promised a lot but was just yanking my crank. Had to work at 5pm so went earlier than the joy was forecast. Got onto the water at 1:40pm...
I was riding for a bit but wasn't doing much. Then the wind dropped so I came in and stood around for a while. Then it picked up a tad so I went out to see just how much there was...
Well. I had trimmed the kite right out on the beach cos it's backstalling in the light wind but now I'm out on the water, I let the trimmer out and now it's pulling like a freight train, not depowering much, and backstalling viciously when fully sheeted in, not much float and hangtime either and there's a lot of bar pressure... where has my favourite kite gone?!? I can work it for a lot of low-end though it's too brutal to be much use when the wind picks up.
All that means is that I'm riding and powered enough to do back and front rolls, but no decent jumps. Quite funny really, watching Cult Man working his kite like a mofo and being unable to even get across wind...
Wind drops again around 3, I come in for a few minutes then the wind picks up again. Repeat as above until 4 when I gotta leave.
Meh, it was ok.
UPDATE: Checked the mixer... ABCZ = 0 +1 0 0 if plus is towards the kite... so a very borked up profile. All zero'd now, fingers crossed...
This - - is a good post about the mixer test. Note: start with C cos it also affects B...
Moment of the day was perhaps twigging to what's wrong with my front rolls - line tension. One good one felt like the good back rolls do, using the kite to do the job.
Mood of the session was miffed resigned amused.
It sucks when you have to work.
Weather was reported as 15 knots with gusts to 22; 24°C at 51%, 1017hPa.
Wind felt like it was wearing a fake nose and mustache.
What I learned today...
• I think I borked up the mixer test, when I replaced the SPLs today.
• Still need B and SZ tip lines too.
• The black spreader on the bar is missing now too. DIY time!
• A little SailKote goes a long way.
• Seems I'm jumping without the kite and putting slack in the lines, losing the vital redirection for front rolls to work.
• The water is bloody shallow at the moment - knee deep in some places. And I can even stand at the river mouth.
• I need to man up and attempt front roll transitions...
I was riding for a bit but wasn't doing much. Then the wind dropped so I came in and stood around for a while. Then it picked up a tad so I went out to see just how much there was...
Well. I had trimmed the kite right out on the beach cos it's backstalling in the light wind but now I'm out on the water, I let the trimmer out and now it's pulling like a freight train, not depowering much, and backstalling viciously when fully sheeted in, not much float and hangtime either and there's a lot of bar pressure... where has my favourite kite gone?!? I can work it for a lot of low-end though it's too brutal to be much use when the wind picks up.
All that means is that I'm riding and powered enough to do back and front rolls, but no decent jumps. Quite funny really, watching Cult Man working his kite like a mofo and being unable to even get across wind...
Wind drops again around 3, I come in for a few minutes then the wind picks up again. Repeat as above until 4 when I gotta leave.
Meh, it was ok.
UPDATE: Checked the mixer... ABCZ = 0 +1 0 0 if plus is towards the kite... so a very borked up profile. All zero'd now, fingers crossed...
This - - is a good post about the mixer test. Note: start with C cos it also affects B...
Moment of the day was perhaps twigging to what's wrong with my front rolls - line tension. One good one felt like the good back rolls do, using the kite to do the job.
Mood of the session was miffed resigned amused.
It sucks when you have to work.
Weather was reported as 15 knots with gusts to 22; 24°C at 51%, 1017hPa.
Wind felt like it was wearing a fake nose and mustache.
What I learned today...
• I think I borked up the mixer test, when I replaced the SPLs today.
• Still need B and SZ tip lines too.
• The black spreader on the bar is missing now too. DIY time!
• A little SailKote goes a long way.
• Seems I'm jumping without the kite and putting slack in the lines, losing the vital redirection for front rolls to work.
• The water is bloody shallow at the moment - knee deep in some places. And I can even stand at the river mouth.
• I need to man up and attempt front roll transitions...
Friday, October 12, 2012
Confess myself puzzled
... and the wind dies just as I get into the water. Sets the tone for most of the afternoon.
Forecasts were supposed to be good - even GPV looked ok. Headed down at 12 so I could get my jollies in before going to work in the PM. Stood around talking to Miyachi for a while then headed over.
Wind was iffy between 1 and 2; started off on the 'radical then switched it for the Flydoor to ride out the lulls and survive the gusts. La la la cruising around.
2 o'clock saw the wind pick up and hold so I switched to the 'radical and then had a good time :) worked hard on my front rolls, both directions, and back rolls on the starboard tack. Not much luck with the front rolls - I landed them nice but didn't ride away cos the kite wasn't in the right place. Or I got yoinked and slammed cos... the kite wasn't in the right place. Hmm.
Struggled with the foot-outs too - couldn't even get the foot OUT for a while, then was borking up the landings. Sighs.
Around 3 the wind got flukey... we'd get 20 minutes riding then 10 minutes of nothing. I gave up at 4pm and went home. That last hour wasn't really up to much eh.
Mood of the session was mildly irritated, puzzled.
Moment of the day was the back roll that was as high as a good jump :D
Weather was reported as 12 to 13 knots, gusts to 25. 22°C at 50%.
Wind felt like 10% sinking, 30% under-powered, 50% perfectly powered and 10% concerned.
What I learned today...
• We're back in THAT season again - gusts and lulls so wild you could get hurt if you had the wrong kite up.
• Front rolls - I can see how to turn them into transitions :D but I still can't make them nice :(
• Wind-chill now is enough to require full wetsuit.
Forecasts were supposed to be good - even GPV looked ok. Headed down at 12 so I could get my jollies in before going to work in the PM. Stood around talking to Miyachi for a while then headed over.
Wind was iffy between 1 and 2; started off on the 'radical then switched it for the Flydoor to ride out the lulls and survive the gusts. La la la cruising around.
2 o'clock saw the wind pick up and hold so I switched to the 'radical and then had a good time :) worked hard on my front rolls, both directions, and back rolls on the starboard tack. Not much luck with the front rolls - I landed them nice but didn't ride away cos the kite wasn't in the right place. Or I got yoinked and slammed cos... the kite wasn't in the right place. Hmm.
Struggled with the foot-outs too - couldn't even get the foot OUT for a while, then was borking up the landings. Sighs.
Around 3 the wind got flukey... we'd get 20 minutes riding then 10 minutes of nothing. I gave up at 4pm and went home. That last hour wasn't really up to much eh.
Mood of the session was mildly irritated, puzzled.
Moment of the day was the back roll that was as high as a good jump :D
Weather was reported as 12 to 13 knots, gusts to 25. 22°C at 50%.
Wind felt like 10% sinking, 30% under-powered, 50% perfectly powered and 10% concerned.
What I learned today...
• We're back in THAT season again - gusts and lulls so wild you could get hurt if you had the wrong kite up.
• Front rolls - I can see how to turn them into transitions :D but I still can't make them nice :(
• Wind-chill now is enough to require full wetsuit.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
JMA had an awesome forecast, but GPV was very blah. Was a bit desperate so I went anyway...
Got down to the lake and onto the water about 4pm with the S3 15 and the Flyradical. Had a bit of fun then the wind died off and I got onto the Flydoor and then the wind completely died. Waited around for a while then gave up and went home.
Master of Disaster was already on the water when I arrived so it was just him'n'me for a while. Then Turkey and Mr Fujii arrived, and a bit later that guy with the Cult. Nobody had much joy though... considering I was worried that I'd need a smaller kite when I arrived, it was a bit sad!
Mood of the day was relaxed mellow fatalistic.
Moment of the day was twigging to what's wrong with my front-rolls.
Weather was reported as 10 knots falling to 9, gusts to 18 well after I'd left. 22°C at 63%.
Wind felt like 10 to 15 knots and not much else.
What I learned today...
• 50kg + 12m RPM + directional < me + Flyradical (!) + S3 15. Ni-iiice!
• Turkey is apparently the Apprentice of Disaster - tried to self-launch his kite with 3 lines attached.
• I seem to be swinging my feet behind me on front-rolls, or somehow doing the rotation 'off axis' so I'm sabotaging my landings. Hmm... doing something wrong then - off to YouTube!
Got down to the lake and onto the water about 4pm with the S3 15 and the Flyradical. Had a bit of fun then the wind died off and I got onto the Flydoor and then the wind completely died. Waited around for a while then gave up and went home.
Master of Disaster was already on the water when I arrived so it was just him'n'me for a while. Then Turkey and Mr Fujii arrived, and a bit later that guy with the Cult. Nobody had much joy though... considering I was worried that I'd need a smaller kite when I arrived, it was a bit sad!
Mood of the day was relaxed mellow fatalistic.
Moment of the day was twigging to what's wrong with my front-rolls.
Weather was reported as 10 knots falling to 9, gusts to 18 well after I'd left. 22°C at 63%.
Wind felt like 10 to 15 knots and not much else.
What I learned today...
• 50kg + 12m RPM + directional < me + Flyradical (!) + S3 15. Ni-iiice!
• Turkey is apparently the Apprentice of Disaster - tried to self-launch his kite with 3 lines attached.
• I seem to be swinging my feet behind me on front-rolls, or somehow doing the rotation 'off axis' so I'm sabotaging my landings. Hmm... doing something wrong then - off to YouTube!
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Stealing the lime-light
Weekend plans set back till the afternoon, so I head out to the lake in the morning to see what I can see... which is, some wind. Not a lot, but rideable. Hopefully.
At about 9am (OMG so early!) I arrive and take the S3 15 and Flyboards over to the lake. The comp isn't under way yet but kites are all over the beach, so I head down the beach a tad... set up, launch, get into the water.
Huh, I'm actually riding! Wind is pretty low, I can't believe that I'm not going downwind and walking. Work the kite and the big board hard for a while...
Picks up a bit so I start playing silly buggers. Nice backrolls, attempt some frontrolls, little jumps... the wind is up'n'down.
Avoid the 'other' end of the beach and kept out of the racers way (though they don't keep out of mine) and enjoy myself, despite the conditions. Of course they're going upwind better than me but I'm having more fun, I'm sure :D especially when compared to the 2 or 3 guys who can't relaunch and drift downwind.
Around 11:15, there's a good blow so I swap for the 'radical and throw down some footouts and bigger backrolls and jumps. Whee! Then of course it drops again and I'm back on the 'door.
Had a nice time though, and am pretty sure I didn't noodle through the middle of the freestyle heat - again.
It must be pretty disheartening though, when you're running a freestyle comp and the only person riding and styling is the fat gringo on a foil who can only do 3 tricks... and is doing them. Over and over.
Moment of the day was the first footout on the Flydoor!
Mood of the session was titillated.
Weather was reported as 10-15 knots, gusts to 20, 3 hours after I left! 23°C at 53%.
Wind felt like 10-15 knots with gusts to 20 LOL
What I learned today...
• No hands footout are possible :o but not advisable, says my left knee.
• The other FSer users here are kooks - the 'distributer' rides ok but like every. other. kiter. in. Japan. doesn't seem to understand the kite, just the procedures for flying one... so if they kite won't relaunch when pulling a rear line (LEI riders, for example) they just keep pulling the rear line. Derp. The other guy is ok to but kind of in the same boat. The OTHER other guy is a newbie I think... very limited skills in kite-handling and general riding! No wonder we get a bad rap :-/
• Speed3 15 is the ultimate Ultimate Flying Machine.
At about 9am (OMG so early!) I arrive and take the S3 15 and Flyboards over to the lake. The comp isn't under way yet but kites are all over the beach, so I head down the beach a tad... set up, launch, get into the water.
Huh, I'm actually riding! Wind is pretty low, I can't believe that I'm not going downwind and walking. Work the kite and the big board hard for a while...
Picks up a bit so I start playing silly buggers. Nice backrolls, attempt some frontrolls, little jumps... the wind is up'n'down.
Avoid the 'other' end of the beach and kept out of the racers way (though they don't keep out of mine) and enjoy myself, despite the conditions. Of course they're going upwind better than me but I'm having more fun, I'm sure :D especially when compared to the 2 or 3 guys who can't relaunch and drift downwind.
Around 11:15, there's a good blow so I swap for the 'radical and throw down some footouts and bigger backrolls and jumps. Whee! Then of course it drops again and I'm back on the 'door.
Had a nice time though, and am pretty sure I didn't noodle through the middle of the freestyle heat - again.
It must be pretty disheartening though, when you're running a freestyle comp and the only person riding and styling is the fat gringo on a foil who can only do 3 tricks... and is doing them. Over and over.
Moment of the day was the first footout on the Flydoor!
Mood of the session was titillated.
Weather was reported as 10-15 knots, gusts to 20, 3 hours after I left! 23°C at 53%.
Wind felt like 10-15 knots with gusts to 20 LOL
What I learned today...
• No hands footout are possible :o but not advisable, says my left knee.
• The other FSer users here are kooks - the 'distributer' rides ok but like every. other. kiter. in. Japan. doesn't seem to understand the kite, just the procedures for flying one... so if they kite won't relaunch when pulling a rear line (LEI riders, for example) they just keep pulling the rear line. Derp. The other guy is ok to but kind of in the same boat. The OTHER other guy is a newbie I think... very limited skills in kite-handling and general riding! No wonder we get a bad rap :-/
• Speed3 15 is the ultimate Ultimate Flying Machine.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Another kick-ass forecast on ALL sites - turned out to be C-R-A-P. Went to the lake at 11 and it was southerlies :-/ so I went to Hikone for lunch, where it was ROCKING big wind. Went back to the lake - nothing. Went to Kusatsu and bought some hot-swap drive bays and went back to the lake. Oh something has arrived... bout time!
Toddle over to the beach about 2pm I guess. Wind is up but I have both the Flydoor and the Flyradical just in case. Up goes the 15 and out I go...
On the Flydoor. Yeah, I'm going upwind ok so I swap it for the 'radical.
Ride around doing my thing... wind is all over the place though, and we all are in and out of the water. Get some groovy big jumps, some excellent rotations, some great footouts! Spend a lot of time working the kite and struggling back to shore too...
Catching wind in fits'n'starts. Better than sitting in front of the telly. Head home at 4:30pm.
PS. just got an email from Miyachi - he took some more photos! Flying one-footed fatties of the world, unite and take over!
Moment of the day was throwing up a big backroll, getting lofted in the middle but having the sense to sheet out and ride it out nicely.
Mood of the session was relaxed worried irritated.
It sucks when you whoop up a big foot out then the wind dies at the peak of the jump... splash!
Weather was reported as 16 to 18 knots, gusts to 26. BALLS again. 24°C at 75%.
Wind felt like dangerously overpowered at times - but not. Up'n'down like a yoyo.
What I learned today...
• The forecasts can be completely wrong :-/ can't even trust the webcam, some days.
• That's about it really :o
Toddle over to the beach about 2pm I guess. Wind is up but I have both the Flydoor and the Flyradical just in case. Up goes the 15 and out I go...
On the Flydoor. Yeah, I'm going upwind ok so I swap it for the 'radical.
Ride around doing my thing... wind is all over the place though, and we all are in and out of the water. Get some groovy big jumps, some excellent rotations, some great footouts! Spend a lot of time working the kite and struggling back to shore too...
Catching wind in fits'n'starts. Better than sitting in front of the telly. Head home at 4:30pm.
PS. just got an email from Miyachi - he took some more photos! Flying one-footed fatties of the world, unite and take over!
Moment of the day was throwing up a big backroll, getting lofted in the middle but having the sense to sheet out and ride it out nicely.
Mood of the session was relaxed worried irritated.
It sucks when you whoop up a big foot out then the wind dies at the peak of the jump... splash!
Weather was reported as 16 to 18 knots, gusts to 26. BALLS again. 24°C at 75%.
Wind felt like dangerously overpowered at times - but not. Up'n'down like a yoyo.
What I learned today...
• The forecasts can be completely wrong :-/ can't even trust the webcam, some days.
• That's about it really :o
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Level up! Unlock achieved!
Forecasts were all over the place - JMA said kick-ass from 12, GPV said kick-ass from 3; but the wind was being reported as southerlies?!? Head down to the lake - not like I got anything better to do :D
1pm. Good wind, a few people are just setting up. Guess I'm not the only one without a job! A few kites set up for a demo - Cabrinha 11m Chaos, 9m Drifter and 7m Switchblade. Nothing for the big boys though :(
Had the Speed3 12 and 15 at the lake, with both Flyboards. Just in case. Think the 15 is the best bet and set that up... but worry that if the wind picks up at 3 I'll be over-powered. Turns out I needn't have worried or humped the 12 over - in fact, should have had the 21 or 19 :o
So I start out on the 'radical, nicely powered... waves are choppy and all over the place. Water is brown, full of dirt and assorted trash. Wind is up and down... I enjoy it while I can.
Big ol' back rolls are feeling so good... I start working hard on the front rolls. They're still ugly. I may be on to the secret though... and I DO land and ride off from my first double front rotation!!! Even if it was totally accidental :D
Got to thinking about Dimitri and his mad old skool style and decide now is the time to try foot-outs. Subconsciously, I guess... cos my foot falls out of the strap on the way up of a jump of its own accord and although I just splash down, I don't die or break my knee so I give it a shot fo realz.
First attempt... I bork it up and can't get my foot back into the strap - kick my toes into the edge of the board. Try again and BOOYAH foot-out ACHIEVED! Power up unlocked! While the wind is up, I throw down... success rate stands at 10.5 out of 12. A couple of jumps I get the board back on but sink on landing... I still ride away though so I count them as a half :D the rest are golden! Well, all on a port tack cos I bend easily that way but not the other way... damned back!
Just as I'm getting all excited with myself, the wind dies :-/ so goes the rest of the afternoon, slogging around, waiting for the wind, trying to get the groove again... but it doesn't happen. Up and down. Give up around 5, back in the car driving home thinking about a drink at 5:30pm.
Despite the crappy wind, I had a pretty good day! New trick - can't beat that!
Moment of the day was landing the first big foot-out with a long straight leg dangling... like a boss!
Mood of the session was joyful relaxed amused.
It sucks when the wind won't hold when you've just learned a new trick and want to show off :D
Weather was reported as 16 knots falling to 10 with gusts to 22. BALLS. 25°C at 60%.
Wind felt like it was between 10 and 15 knots with massive lulls between 'sessions'. Never felt over-powered :(
What I learned today...
• There's a 'balance point' in back rolls, when you could go as high as you want and still land it perfectly. Dunno yet if it's sending & redirecting the kite or just ineffably getting it "right" but it feels good when you do.
• Front rolls - don't send it back to 12, leave it "in front" of you. So how then do you do HUGE rotations?
• Foot-outs are easier than they look... kinda. I'm not very flexible and my stomach gets in the way :( which means I can only do... oh wait TAIL grabs! foot-outs.
• Grabbing with the front hand makes it hard to redirect cos I'm a limp wrist. So those are out.
• I want to try dark slides now :o
1pm. Good wind, a few people are just setting up. Guess I'm not the only one without a job! A few kites set up for a demo - Cabrinha 11m Chaos, 9m Drifter and 7m Switchblade. Nothing for the big boys though :(
Had the Speed3 12 and 15 at the lake, with both Flyboards. Just in case. Think the 15 is the best bet and set that up... but worry that if the wind picks up at 3 I'll be over-powered. Turns out I needn't have worried or humped the 12 over - in fact, should have had the 21 or 19 :o
So I start out on the 'radical, nicely powered... waves are choppy and all over the place. Water is brown, full of dirt and assorted trash. Wind is up and down... I enjoy it while I can.
Big ol' back rolls are feeling so good... I start working hard on the front rolls. They're still ugly. I may be on to the secret though... and I DO land and ride off from my first double front rotation!!! Even if it was totally accidental :D
Got to thinking about Dimitri and his mad old skool style and decide now is the time to try foot-outs. Subconsciously, I guess... cos my foot falls out of the strap on the way up of a jump of its own accord and although I just splash down, I don't die or break my knee so I give it a shot fo realz.
First attempt... I bork it up and can't get my foot back into the strap - kick my toes into the edge of the board. Try again and BOOYAH foot-out ACHIEVED! Power up unlocked! While the wind is up, I throw down... success rate stands at 10.5 out of 12. A couple of jumps I get the board back on but sink on landing... I still ride away though so I count them as a half :D the rest are golden! Well, all on a port tack cos I bend easily that way but not the other way... damned back!
Just as I'm getting all excited with myself, the wind dies :-/ so goes the rest of the afternoon, slogging around, waiting for the wind, trying to get the groove again... but it doesn't happen. Up and down. Give up around 5, back in the car driving home thinking about a drink at 5:30pm.
Despite the crappy wind, I had a pretty good day! New trick - can't beat that!
Moment of the day was landing the first big foot-out with a long straight leg dangling... like a boss!
Mood of the session was joyful relaxed amused.
It sucks when the wind won't hold when you've just learned a new trick and want to show off :D
Weather was reported as 16 knots falling to 10 with gusts to 22. BALLS. 25°C at 60%.
Wind felt like it was between 10 and 15 knots with massive lulls between 'sessions'. Never felt over-powered :(
What I learned today...
• There's a 'balance point' in back rolls, when you could go as high as you want and still land it perfectly. Dunno yet if it's sending & redirecting the kite or just ineffably getting it "right" but it feels good when you do.
• Front rolls - don't send it back to 12, leave it "in front" of you. So how then do you do HUGE rotations?
• Foot-outs are easier than they look... kinda. I'm not very flexible and my stomach gets in the way :( which means I can only do... oh wait TAIL grabs! foot-outs.
• Grabbing with the front hand makes it hard to redirect cos I'm a limp wrist. So those are out.
• I want to try dark slides now :o
Monday, October 1, 2012
It's good to be the unemployed bum!
First official day of being unemployed. Typhoon blew through yesterday and the wind is still up today. Or should be...
Got to the lake just after 12... was raining. Wind was good though, so I thought I'd wait it out. Miyachi got a price for the Nugget in Japan for me - 8-90,000yen. May still be cheaper to get it from the US... when I have a job :o Stops raining, so about 1pm I head over to the beach with my 'radical and the S3 12. Hmm, might be over-powered in a bad way... launch the kite anyway then the wind drops. Like a rock... so I go and get the S3 15 instead, wishing I had the 21.
Wind has come back up a little... there's some guys here for the comp on the weekend, no doubt getting some practice in. Guy with an old Switchblade 10m tries to go out on his TT. Not working. Grabs his race board (Transport?). Not working. I head out on the Flydoor XL... zOMG I'm actually getting upwind! Ride it out hoping for the wind to pick up. It doesn't and I get hacked off having to clear the center fin every 2 seconds.
Take a break... wind picks up... I head out again. And it's drops again... check the time - I have to work at 5 - got an hour left...
Wind picks up and I head out again. Oh it's picked up good'n'proper so I swap out the Flydoor for the 'radical. While the wind was crappy I was doing little jumps on the 'door and some nice big fat back-rolls. Now I'm on the 'radical, I'm going as big as I can - some nice ones too! Get elevated violently a few times - titillating! Race around having fun then the wind dies again... I figure it's time to pack up anyway.
Pretty neat afternoon.
Was mightily impressed with the S3 15/Flydoor combo... the guy on the SB10/Transport was losing ground and walking while I was the only one holding ground or going upwind and doing 'stuff' :o little skinny bitches on directionals were walking. Miyachi was the only one keeping up with me - as usual.
The LF distributor was there too - well, his girlfriend was; he is in hospital with a busted-up neck from freestyling in too shallow water - and had, of course, laid out kites, bars and lines across THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING BEACH serious you don't think that might be in the way at all? Here buy my gear while I piss off all the locals.
It always puzzles me that the guys who are supposed to be selling the gear can't actually use it very well - and glaring at me as I ride past like somehow I'M the reason you can't water-start is just amusing.
Le sigh.
Moment of the day was riding back and forth, watching as the LF distributor talked up their gear - on the shore. "Ooh aar our gear is so great" ah is that why you're sitting on the beach? Fattie laughs at you.
Mood of the session was frustrated, satiated, amused.
It sucks when there's so much crap in the water, you have to hop and clear your fins every few moments...
Weather was reported as 16 falling to 10 knots, gusts to 21; 22°C at 70%.
Wind felt like it was having a laff at us... up and down like a yo-yo within the hour, let alone across the afternoon!
What I learned today...
• S3 15 is the greatest kite in the world. The usability at the bottom end is just phenomenal, with the Flydoor. Jumps easier and higher than the 21 in SFA wind... seriously can believe people who say it's all they need for lightwind :o
• The 2012 'door itself is pretty impressive too.
• The time for wetsuits has come... short john was fine though.
• On that topic - much more comfy; not getting straps jammed up the crack of my ass is nice. I could live without the squashed nuts though...
Got to the lake just after 12... was raining. Wind was good though, so I thought I'd wait it out. Miyachi got a price for the Nugget in Japan for me - 8-90,000yen. May still be cheaper to get it from the US... when I have a job :o Stops raining, so about 1pm I head over to the beach with my 'radical and the S3 12. Hmm, might be over-powered in a bad way... launch the kite anyway then the wind drops. Like a rock... so I go and get the S3 15 instead, wishing I had the 21.
Wind has come back up a little... there's some guys here for the comp on the weekend, no doubt getting some practice in. Guy with an old Switchblade 10m tries to go out on his TT. Not working. Grabs his race board (Transport?). Not working. I head out on the Flydoor XL... zOMG I'm actually getting upwind! Ride it out hoping for the wind to pick up. It doesn't and I get hacked off having to clear the center fin every 2 seconds.
Take a break... wind picks up... I head out again. And it's drops again... check the time - I have to work at 5 - got an hour left...
Wind picks up and I head out again. Oh it's picked up good'n'proper so I swap out the Flydoor for the 'radical. While the wind was crappy I was doing little jumps on the 'door and some nice big fat back-rolls. Now I'm on the 'radical, I'm going as big as I can - some nice ones too! Get elevated violently a few times - titillating! Race around having fun then the wind dies again... I figure it's time to pack up anyway.
Pretty neat afternoon.
Was mightily impressed with the S3 15/Flydoor combo... the guy on the SB10/Transport was losing ground and walking while I was the only one holding ground or going upwind and doing 'stuff' :o little skinny bitches on directionals were walking. Miyachi was the only one keeping up with me - as usual.
The LF distributor was there too - well, his girlfriend was; he is in hospital with a busted-up neck from freestyling in too shallow water - and had, of course, laid out kites, bars and lines across THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING BEACH serious you don't think that might be in the way at all? Here buy my gear while I piss off all the locals.
It always puzzles me that the guys who are supposed to be selling the gear can't actually use it very well - and glaring at me as I ride past like somehow I'M the reason you can't water-start is just amusing.
Le sigh.
Moment of the day was riding back and forth, watching as the LF distributor talked up their gear - on the shore. "Ooh aar our gear is so great" ah is that why you're sitting on the beach? Fattie laughs at you.
Mood of the session was frustrated, satiated, amused.
It sucks when there's so much crap in the water, you have to hop and clear your fins every few moments...
Weather was reported as 16 falling to 10 knots, gusts to 21; 22°C at 70%.
Wind felt like it was having a laff at us... up and down like a yo-yo within the hour, let alone across the afternoon!
What I learned today...
• S3 15 is the greatest kite in the world. The usability at the bottom end is just phenomenal, with the Flydoor. Jumps easier and higher than the 21 in SFA wind... seriously can believe people who say it's all they need for lightwind :o
• The 2012 'door itself is pretty impressive too.
• The time for wetsuits has come... short john was fine though.
• On that topic - much more comfy; not getting straps jammed up the crack of my ass is nice. I could live without the squashed nuts though...
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Good things come in threes
zOMG third day in a row the wind is blowing!
Took the bike out in the morning for a jolly good thrash and did a few chores over lunch time so it was 2:30 by the time I got to the lake... wind was already up and a couple of people were out on the water...
Went for the Speed3 15 but was expecting to ride the Flydoor - but I took both boards to the lake. As it turned out, I didn't need the 'door :o Out on the 'radical...
Easy start, nicely-powered. Let the games begin!
Pootle around for a while. The other guy out clears off, and the Master of Disaster gets off the water so I have the lake to myself for a bit. Down near the marina creek thing, someone is taking photos so I start showing off... carving waves, jumping and throwing rotations. That goes well for a while, really getting the mojo flowing with some big, powered back rolls! All good for an while then...
I balls up... something... and slam myself then the kite. Hard. When I relaunch it, I can see a couple of broken bridle lines. Nuts, better fix them. Still ride to shore though :D
3 lines actually busted, LCLs took the brunt - 2 pinks and a white. No other issues. Fiddle fiddle relaunch and re-ride.
The camera man is gone and so is my mojo, it seems :( by the time I get that back, the wind has lulled right off. Diddle around waiting for it to pick up... Auntie gives up, that directional goof gives up, Miyachi keeps riding... Turkey hits the water but sticks his kite into the trees.
Ooh the wind has picked up! I nearly land on the shore, doing what I thought would be small jump - I got a 2-floor elevator ride and miss the beach by a meter or two :-/ landed it and rode off though. Like a boss!
I get a blast for the rest of the evening until sunset... I get off the water and land my kite just as the 6pm ding-dong goes off.
Epic session! The wind was just fine but the play time was epic!
Moment of the day was the first really big, powered and sent back roll that felt totally under control. Epic!
Mood of the session was surprised, thrilled, beaten.
Song stuck in my head was Wild Flower by the Cult. "CRAzy 'bout you yeah!"
It sucks when you crash your kite trying to loop, right on to the shore break then drag it over the beach, then have to relaunch 6 feet from the shore in knee-deep water with rocks and shit under-foot. But it RULES when you do all that but don't damage yourself or the kite.
Weather was reported as NW 10-14-12-13-11 knots from 2-6pm, gusts to 22 knots at 6; 27-22°C, 55-63%.
Wind felt like I shouldn't have been as powered as I was. Mostly well-powered, rarely over-powered, a few times fuckin skunked. Water was pretty flat too...
What I learned today...
• Bottom end of the 15 is just stunning. I might have been riding with the 21 (instead of sinking) but would have quickly been in survival mode.
• Bah. Need to tune those damned lines. Or maybe the mixer.
• Tip lines are looking shrunk too :-/
• When doing powered back-rolls, having a jolly good look at the horizon behind you to control the rotation, then use body-english and the kite to finish the move, with an easy downwind landing.
• I'm still getting sunburned hands, arms etc :-/ mildly, but noticeably. Feet too.
• Almost time for wetsuits... better put the short john in the basket for next session.
• Concentrated on using my whole body to carve the board upwind instead of 'pushing' it with my feet - my knee doesn't hurt at all. Hmm.
• Distance is your friend - 2 line lengths!
Took the bike out in the morning for a jolly good thrash and did a few chores over lunch time so it was 2:30 by the time I got to the lake... wind was already up and a couple of people were out on the water...
Went for the Speed3 15 but was expecting to ride the Flydoor - but I took both boards to the lake. As it turned out, I didn't need the 'door :o Out on the 'radical...
Easy start, nicely-powered. Let the games begin!
Pootle around for a while. The other guy out clears off, and the Master of Disaster gets off the water so I have the lake to myself for a bit. Down near the marina creek thing, someone is taking photos so I start showing off... carving waves, jumping and throwing rotations. That goes well for a while, really getting the mojo flowing with some big, powered back rolls! All good for an while then...
I balls up... something... and slam myself then the kite. Hard. When I relaunch it, I can see a couple of broken bridle lines. Nuts, better fix them. Still ride to shore though :D
3 lines actually busted, LCLs took the brunt - 2 pinks and a white. No other issues. Fiddle fiddle relaunch and re-ride.
The camera man is gone and so is my mojo, it seems :( by the time I get that back, the wind has lulled right off. Diddle around waiting for it to pick up... Auntie gives up, that directional goof gives up, Miyachi keeps riding... Turkey hits the water but sticks his kite into the trees.
Ooh the wind has picked up! I nearly land on the shore, doing what I thought would be small jump - I got a 2-floor elevator ride and miss the beach by a meter or two :-/ landed it and rode off though. Like a boss!
I get a blast for the rest of the evening until sunset... I get off the water and land my kite just as the 6pm ding-dong goes off.
Epic session! The wind was just fine but the play time was epic!
Moment of the day was the first really big, powered and sent back roll that felt totally under control. Epic!
Mood of the session was surprised, thrilled, beaten.
Song stuck in my head was Wild Flower by the Cult. "CRAzy 'bout you yeah!"
It sucks when you crash your kite trying to loop, right on to the shore break then drag it over the beach, then have to relaunch 6 feet from the shore in knee-deep water with rocks and shit under-foot. But it RULES when you do all that but don't damage yourself or the kite.
Weather was reported as NW 10-14-12-13-11 knots from 2-6pm, gusts to 22 knots at 6; 27-22°C, 55-63%.
Wind felt like I shouldn't have been as powered as I was. Mostly well-powered, rarely over-powered, a few times fuckin skunked. Water was pretty flat too...
What I learned today...
• Bottom end of the 15 is just stunning. I might have been riding with the 21 (instead of sinking) but would have quickly been in survival mode.
• Bah. Need to tune those damned lines. Or maybe the mixer.
• Tip lines are looking shrunk too :-/
• When doing powered back-rolls, having a jolly good look at the horizon behind you to control the rotation, then use body-english and the kite to finish the move, with an easy downwind landing.
• I'm still getting sunburned hands, arms etc :-/ mildly, but noticeably. Feet too.
• Almost time for wetsuits... better put the short john in the basket for next session.
• Concentrated on using my whole body to carve the board upwind instead of 'pushing' it with my feet - my knee doesn't hurt at all. Hmm.
• Distance is your friend - 2 line lengths!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
New old toys!
Ok so there I was standing around in the garden when my 2012 Flydoor XL arrived by courier - sweet! Doodle around for a bit then recheck the forecast... oh myyy! lets go!
Bah, light wind at the beach but 16 knots forecast... so I head out on my remaining light wind kite - the Psycho4 19 - and the new Flydoor!
Well... the FDS is too short. By a bunch :-/ kite won't even launch. So I add in a meter or so I have spare but that's barely long enough... the kite flies, but it's not fun. Take a few tacks - and walks - up and down the beach. Then head back to the car and get the bar from the 21 and use that for the Psycho4.
Mmm, launches ok but is backstalling like a mofo. Full trim helps... I know the bar is wonky but really?
it can't be that bad. Maybe the mixer is screwy...
Mow the lawn for a while, getting used to the board and the kite. Bit tricky at the bottom end... wonder how much wind we got? I'm sure I'd be riding easily on the 21...
Wind picks up a bit later, gets easier to ride but still can't trim the kite out. At least I can park'n'ride now... and get some jumps. First good one on the Psycho - yes, it's more of a yank than the Speed3's lift but it seems less floaty... but that makes landings a little more direct - but still gentle, when I get them right!
New board is nice! VERY light on the feet and in the air - so light that the wind can blow it around on your feet and upset your balance in the air. Carves nice, holds a line well, seems to go upwind better than the old one... also seems more flexible so the ride is smoother. Still can't carve to toeside without slipping out on my face though :D
So I was having a good ol' time... lots of rotations, a few double back-rolls that worked :D and of course goofing around with the jumps. Miyachi was taking pics and snapped the one of me below. I swear, I'm already on the way down ;)
Later on, I fell off the board and as I recovered it, it managed to release the QR... kite went into a loop frenzy and although the mini-5th was long enough, it was clear the FDS was what it should have had. Ended up having to walk to shore and manually unwrap a wicked bowtie. Bloody green bridle snagged on something and messed up the stitching too... otherwise, no apparent harm. Relaunched, dunked the kite a few times to wash the sand off then kept riding :D
Nearly got stuck in the river mouth a few times, trying to make up ground but being unable to resist a good boost up a wave.
Another good day. Only 3 others at the lake... must have got there about 2pm, got back to the carpark at 6!
My right knee is twinging though... I think I'm leveraging myself against it in turns or jumps - have to try carving more with my body maybe?
Moment of the day was that first good YOINK with the Psycho - an Aha! moment.
Mood of the session was frustrated bemused satisfied.
It sucks when Miyachi only takes one photo of moi and it's not a great one :D I SWEAR I was higher!
Weather was reported as 5-8-8-8-14-12 knots from 1–6pm, on the hour, with a peak gust of 18 knots at 5:30pm. 27–24°C, 49–69% for the same time period. Uh?
Wind felt like the above was about right... but cos I'd run out of depower already, I felt a tiny bit overpowered around 5pm - needed a smaller board cos I kept losing my edge too soon.
What I learned today...
• Need more line for the FDS - might use my left-over 5th line from the Switch bar in the interim...
• Pscyho needs the mixer set and a few bridle lines...
• Low end doesn't seem so good on the Psycho4, it doesn't seem that quick in the air so doesn't seem to make up for park'n'ride-ability with apparent wind, upper end isn't so good either.
• Should have had my smaller board at the lake too.
• Weeds stick to the center fin :-/ the drag is very noticeable and feels like sand in wheel bearings!
• A pop and kicking my heels up clears the weeds off nicely.
• Must try the Wide stance - I prefer that on the 2010 'door cos it's easier to weight the back of the board and it feels less wooden, more lively.
• The 2012 'door felt nice to ride in normal width stance though...
• Wet, sandy Flysurfers are unstable and fly badly... till they dry out.
• I'm still getting sunburned :-/
Bah, light wind at the beach but 16 knots forecast... so I head out on my remaining light wind kite - the Psycho4 19 - and the new Flydoor!
Well... the FDS is too short. By a bunch :-/ kite won't even launch. So I add in a meter or so I have spare but that's barely long enough... the kite flies, but it's not fun. Take a few tacks - and walks - up and down the beach. Then head back to the car and get the bar from the 21 and use that for the Psycho4.
Mmm, launches ok but is backstalling like a mofo. Full trim helps... I know the bar is wonky but really?
it can't be that bad. Maybe the mixer is screwy...
Mow the lawn for a while, getting used to the board and the kite. Bit tricky at the bottom end... wonder how much wind we got? I'm sure I'd be riding easily on the 21...
Wind picks up a bit later, gets easier to ride but still can't trim the kite out. At least I can park'n'ride now... and get some jumps. First good one on the Psycho - yes, it's more of a yank than the Speed3's lift but it seems less floaty... but that makes landings a little more direct - but still gentle, when I get them right!
New board is nice! VERY light on the feet and in the air - so light that the wind can blow it around on your feet and upset your balance in the air. Carves nice, holds a line well, seems to go upwind better than the old one... also seems more flexible so the ride is smoother. Still can't carve to toeside without slipping out on my face though :D
So I was having a good ol' time... lots of rotations, a few double back-rolls that worked :D and of course goofing around with the jumps. Miyachi was taking pics and snapped the one of me below. I swear, I'm already on the way down ;)
Later on, I fell off the board and as I recovered it, it managed to release the QR... kite went into a loop frenzy and although the mini-5th was long enough, it was clear the FDS was what it should have had. Ended up having to walk to shore and manually unwrap a wicked bowtie. Bloody green bridle snagged on something and messed up the stitching too... otherwise, no apparent harm. Relaunched, dunked the kite a few times to wash the sand off then kept riding :D
Nearly got stuck in the river mouth a few times, trying to make up ground but being unable to resist a good boost up a wave.
Another good day. Only 3 others at the lake... must have got there about 2pm, got back to the carpark at 6!
My right knee is twinging though... I think I'm leveraging myself against it in turns or jumps - have to try carving more with my body maybe?
Moment of the day was that first good YOINK with the Psycho - an Aha! moment.
Mood of the session was frustrated bemused satisfied.
It sucks when Miyachi only takes one photo of moi and it's not a great one :D I SWEAR I was higher!
Weather was reported as 5-8-8-8-14-12 knots from 1–6pm, on the hour, with a peak gust of 18 knots at 5:30pm. 27–24°C, 49–69% for the same time period. Uh?
Wind felt like the above was about right... but cos I'd run out of depower already, I felt a tiny bit overpowered around 5pm - needed a smaller board cos I kept losing my edge too soon.
What I learned today...
• Need more line for the FDS - might use my left-over 5th line from the Switch bar in the interim...
• Pscyho needs the mixer set and a few bridle lines...
• Low end doesn't seem so good on the Psycho4, it doesn't seem that quick in the air so doesn't seem to make up for park'n'ride-ability with apparent wind, upper end isn't so good either.
• Should have had my smaller board at the lake too.
• Weeds stick to the center fin :-/ the drag is very noticeable and feels like sand in wheel bearings!
• A pop and kicking my heels up clears the weeds off nicely.
• Must try the Wide stance - I prefer that on the 2010 'door cos it's easier to weight the back of the board and it feels less wooden, more lively.
• The 2012 'door felt nice to ride in normal width stance though...
• Wet, sandy Flysurfers are unstable and fly badly... till they dry out.
• I'm still getting sunburned :-/
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
No job + wind = happiness!
Being unemployed as it's benefits... not working for scumbags is one, having time during the day to milk the winds is another.
Forecast looked good all day, with the peak around 4pm. I had to work at 5:40pm though (a side-job, as it were) so I went to the lake with my watch on, and work clothes in the car. Naturally, I forgot my shoes and had to go home for them but I still got in a 3-hour session AND got to work on time!
So knowing that the wind was forecast for like, 20 knots plus, I took the Speed3 15 and both Flyboards over to the beach. Initially I thought I should have had the 19, but later I thought I should have had the 12... gusty wind - had the kite trimmed about 1/3 in, which was good for over-powered but equally good when the wind dropped cos the kite got backstall-y...
Anyway. Had to re-rig the kite cos I'd put the 'new' black rope and stopper block on the bar and tuned it. Fiddled with that for a bit... then launched nice'n'easy. Headed out on the 'radical...
Initially a bit tough to get away from the beach - wind was NW this time - but soon was nicely powered. Was thinking that if the wind was going to pick up, I should be on the 12... nah fuck that, can't be bothered - me gusta!
Started off doing some nice rotations and transitions. Very nearly did a heel to toe carve on my goofy side too but messed it up, thinking too much about it.
Then the wind picked up and it was boosting time! Some real good ones :D and I'm getting good at flying the whole thing out with just one hand on the bar, trying to grab the board etc etc. Even started thinking about trying to do foot outs but couldn't get my foot erm out. Rode out a few elevator jumps too, not messing up the descent for a change. Got dropped a fair few times too - frickin gusty!
Managed several double rotations and landed a couple... desperation moves - went up and over-rotated and was like "O SH--" then whipped my head around to try to complete another one. Not classy, but it worked a couple of times ;)
Ji-chan and Master of Disaster were there, but they had buggered off into the distance. I had the beach to myself for nearly 2 hours, then the other turned up. No problems except for fucking Turkey - a disaster on the water, then when I was packing up he wanted me to land him... and proceeded to dump the kite on my head. Literally. Then he launched his smaller kite, then proceeded to dive it into the ground a few feet from me - which he thought was hilarious. Idiot.
4:30pm I packed up and headed off to work. I was good for about 2, 2 and a half hours then got tired and started screwing up. Not so much my legs for once, just a general full body weariness.
Better than a day at work - anytime!
Moment of the day was landing a double rotation... like I meant to do it.
Mood of the session was irritated, elated, tired.
It sucks when you're trying to do the Disco Man and the gust drops you on your head.
Weather was reported as 14 knots at 1pm, building to 16 at 2, falling off to 14 again at 4. Gusts to 26 knots... 28°C at 44%!!!
Wind felt like it was too much for the 15 - or too little. Mostly, I was comfortably over-powered...
What I learned today...
• Heel-to-toe transition on my 'good' size feeling very natural... need to work out how to pop from toe-side!
• Point toes to bring the board within easy grabbing range.
• Turkey is a menace.
• Frickin harness... riding up all the time. Irritating.
• Multiple rotations - I'm betting they're just luck for many people :D
• I think I prefer the 15 on the middle holes of the bar... I'm sure it feels different.
• I might need a smaller board :o
• Backrolls - it's not just pointing your board downwind, it's pointing it more towards the kite than upwind. Like lots of things, really...
Forecast looked good all day, with the peak around 4pm. I had to work at 5:40pm though (a side-job, as it were) so I went to the lake with my watch on, and work clothes in the car. Naturally, I forgot my shoes and had to go home for them but I still got in a 3-hour session AND got to work on time!
So knowing that the wind was forecast for like, 20 knots plus, I took the Speed3 15 and both Flyboards over to the beach. Initially I thought I should have had the 19, but later I thought I should have had the 12... gusty wind - had the kite trimmed about 1/3 in, which was good for over-powered but equally good when the wind dropped cos the kite got backstall-y...
Anyway. Had to re-rig the kite cos I'd put the 'new' black rope and stopper block on the bar and tuned it. Fiddled with that for a bit... then launched nice'n'easy. Headed out on the 'radical...
Initially a bit tough to get away from the beach - wind was NW this time - but soon was nicely powered. Was thinking that if the wind was going to pick up, I should be on the 12... nah fuck that, can't be bothered - me gusta!
Started off doing some nice rotations and transitions. Very nearly did a heel to toe carve on my goofy side too but messed it up, thinking too much about it.
Then the wind picked up and it was boosting time! Some real good ones :D and I'm getting good at flying the whole thing out with just one hand on the bar, trying to grab the board etc etc. Even started thinking about trying to do foot outs but couldn't get my foot erm out. Rode out a few elevator jumps too, not messing up the descent for a change. Got dropped a fair few times too - frickin gusty!
Managed several double rotations and landed a couple... desperation moves - went up and over-rotated and was like "O SH--" then whipped my head around to try to complete another one. Not classy, but it worked a couple of times ;)
Ji-chan and Master of Disaster were there, but they had buggered off into the distance. I had the beach to myself for nearly 2 hours, then the other turned up. No problems except for fucking Turkey - a disaster on the water, then when I was packing up he wanted me to land him... and proceeded to dump the kite on my head. Literally. Then he launched his smaller kite, then proceeded to dive it into the ground a few feet from me - which he thought was hilarious. Idiot.
4:30pm I packed up and headed off to work. I was good for about 2, 2 and a half hours then got tired and started screwing up. Not so much my legs for once, just a general full body weariness.
Better than a day at work - anytime!
Moment of the day was landing a double rotation... like I meant to do it.
Mood of the session was irritated, elated, tired.
It sucks when you're trying to do the Disco Man and the gust drops you on your head.
Weather was reported as 14 knots at 1pm, building to 16 at 2, falling off to 14 again at 4. Gusts to 26 knots... 28°C at 44%!!!
Wind felt like it was too much for the 15 - or too little. Mostly, I was comfortably over-powered...
What I learned today...
• Heel-to-toe transition on my 'good' size feeling very natural... need to work out how to pop from toe-side!
• Point toes to bring the board within easy grabbing range.
• Turkey is a menace.
• Frickin harness... riding up all the time. Irritating.
• Multiple rotations - I'm betting they're just luck for many people :D
• I think I prefer the 15 on the middle holes of the bar... I'm sure it feels different.
• I might need a smaller board :o
• Backrolls - it's not just pointing your board downwind, it's pointing it more towards the kite than upwind. Like lots of things, really...
Friday, September 21, 2012
Stayin' Alive
Well you can tell by the way I use my walk, I'm having a day off work and there's wind in the PM. How hip!
Got to the lake a 3, onto the water about 10 past but it was light as - Flydoor and just holding ground, occasional jumps or spins but not much else. Wind picks up around 4 - as it was supposed to - and it's much better now. Big ol' jumps but it's gusty... I switch to the Radical and am happy again.
For a while, it's survival mode - I contemplated getting the S3 15 but decided to stick out the 21... the jumps are fun and floaty though. As the wind drops off, I start doing back rolls - good backrolls! - and frontrolls...
Then it gets punchy - the kite is behaving badly and I'm getting yanked around... then I get dropped from a jump, the kite inverts, nose-dives then bowties - twice - but I manage to untangle the kite and relaunch. After a bit, I notice the lines are wrapped and I'll need to un-invert the kite. I ride around for a bit then the same thing happens. I let the bowtie plop on the shore and pull the safety to flag it out. Reset, sort out the bar & lines then relaunch and get back on the water for another 1/2 hour.
I can't do the Dead Man cos I can only take one hand off the bar - so I do the Disco Man! Imagine this - but a fat guy in a blue t-shirt, hanging upside down from a kite 20 feet above a lake... disco, baby yeah!
Had a great time, did some kick-ass jumps... but I have to pack up and go to work. Oh crap look - I've ripped a seam sometime. That damned short SZ1 line pulled it... there's a bridle line with a broken LCL on it but I can't see it in the dark...
Moment of the day was finally clicking with boosted backrolls!
Mood of the session was elated amused energized.
It sucks when you break your kite :( and have to send it overseas to fix it :((
Song stuck in my head was the closing theme from Star Trek TOS... Oooooooh oooooooh ooh ooh oh ooooooh!
Weather was reported as 10-8-9-9 knots from 3 to 6pm. Gusts to 18 knots, 26°C at 60%.
Wind felt like I was ok-powered most of the time, occasionally happily overpowered and a few times a bit worried.
What I learned today...
• Don't try to rotate 360° for a back roll and ride back up; aim for 270° and land riding away slightly downwind.
• I think the same goes for front rolls but you need to use the kite more.
• Air transition on the big Speed - keep it right over head, float around under it then redirect hard... you'll need velocity for riding out the landing.
• Heel-to-toe transitions on the Flydoor need more upright body - you can't rely on the toeside fins cos there are none and the edge slides out too easy.
• Relaxing under the kite... makes life easier to ride out the cock-ups. And pull off tricks - like turning over-rotations into doubles :D
Got to the lake a 3, onto the water about 10 past but it was light as - Flydoor and just holding ground, occasional jumps or spins but not much else. Wind picks up around 4 - as it was supposed to - and it's much better now. Big ol' jumps but it's gusty... I switch to the Radical and am happy again.
For a while, it's survival mode - I contemplated getting the S3 15 but decided to stick out the 21... the jumps are fun and floaty though. As the wind drops off, I start doing back rolls - good backrolls! - and frontrolls...
Then it gets punchy - the kite is behaving badly and I'm getting yanked around... then I get dropped from a jump, the kite inverts, nose-dives then bowties - twice - but I manage to untangle the kite and relaunch. After a bit, I notice the lines are wrapped and I'll need to un-invert the kite. I ride around for a bit then the same thing happens. I let the bowtie plop on the shore and pull the safety to flag it out. Reset, sort out the bar & lines then relaunch and get back on the water for another 1/2 hour.
I can't do the Dead Man cos I can only take one hand off the bar - so I do the Disco Man! Imagine this - but a fat guy in a blue t-shirt, hanging upside down from a kite 20 feet above a lake... disco, baby yeah!
Had a great time, did some kick-ass jumps... but I have to pack up and go to work. Oh crap look - I've ripped a seam sometime. That damned short SZ1 line pulled it... there's a bridle line with a broken LCL on it but I can't see it in the dark...
Moment of the day was finally clicking with boosted backrolls!
Mood of the session was elated amused energized.
It sucks when you break your kite :( and have to send it overseas to fix it :((
Song stuck in my head was the closing theme from Star Trek TOS... Oooooooh oooooooh ooh ooh oh ooooooh!
Weather was reported as 10-8-9-9 knots from 3 to 6pm. Gusts to 18 knots, 26°C at 60%.
Wind felt like I was ok-powered most of the time, occasionally happily overpowered and a few times a bit worried.
What I learned today...
• Don't try to rotate 360° for a back roll and ride back up; aim for 270° and land riding away slightly downwind.
• I think the same goes for front rolls but you need to use the kite more.
• Air transition on the big Speed - keep it right over head, float around under it then redirect hard... you'll need velocity for riding out the landing.
• Heel-to-toe transitions on the Flydoor need more upright body - you can't rely on the toeside fins cos there are none and the edge slides out too easy.
• Relaxing under the kite... makes life easier to ride out the cock-ups. And pull off tricks - like turning over-rotations into doubles :D
gear failure,
speed3 21
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Home again
At long bloody last, we've got wind from the north that is forecast to be rideable... probably. I'm at my furtherest away work place but luckily, I got to work 10 minutes early so I clock out 10 minutes early too. Got to the lake about 4:30pm...
Looks ok but The Gloves Guy is on his 15 and doesn't look like he's going upwind well. So it'll be the 21 then... I take both boards to the lake, just in case.
But by the time I've laid out the 21, and dusted off the sand from Thailand, the wind is up enough that I think I might just be able to ride the 'small' board... so I jump in the water ahead of some noob and haul ass out onto the sweet, flat (lumpy), fresh water of Mother Lake.
Well, I'm going upwind but while the jumps are average, I'm losing ground downwind and having to work to get back up the beach. Make the most of the "flat" water and get back into rotations... but they were still easier to do in Thailand! Everything was easier to do on actual flat water LOL
Man, the 21 is slow :D redirecting for jumps is fine cos it's got so much lift but front- or back-rolls just are impossible to use the kite to pull me out of a big one... I get why people like small kites.
Ride till dark, last one off the lake and packed up. Gr-rrravy!
Moment of the day was the kiteloop that wasn't a surprise... I felt the pull when I looped it and sheeted it all perfectly, for a nice yank downwind to a soft, fast landing out the other direction...
Mood of the session was happy.
It sucks when you do a downloop transition but the board digs its nose in and you get dragged on your balls downwind for the rest of the loop...!
Weather was reported as 10 knots, gusts to 18; 67% at 27°C.
Wind felt like I was 50% just powered but 100% wanting more. Figure that one out.
What I learned today...
• There's a fucking rock or something at the near end of the beach that I've ridden into with my 'radical now too, fuck it.
• Lines are out of whack on the 21 but that's fine, I got spares...
• I love riding the 'radical!
• Wind-chill is enough that I'll need at least my summer wetsuit soon! Water is still warm though...
Looks ok but The Gloves Guy is on his 15 and doesn't look like he's going upwind well. So it'll be the 21 then... I take both boards to the lake, just in case.
But by the time I've laid out the 21, and dusted off the sand from Thailand, the wind is up enough that I think I might just be able to ride the 'small' board... so I jump in the water ahead of some noob and haul ass out onto the sweet, flat (lumpy), fresh water of Mother Lake.
Well, I'm going upwind but while the jumps are average, I'm losing ground downwind and having to work to get back up the beach. Make the most of the "flat" water and get back into rotations... but they were still easier to do in Thailand! Everything was easier to do on actual flat water LOL
Man, the 21 is slow :D redirecting for jumps is fine cos it's got so much lift but front- or back-rolls just are impossible to use the kite to pull me out of a big one... I get why people like small kites.
Ride till dark, last one off the lake and packed up. Gr-rrravy!
Moment of the day was the kiteloop that wasn't a surprise... I felt the pull when I looped it and sheeted it all perfectly, for a nice yank downwind to a soft, fast landing out the other direction...
Mood of the session was happy.
It sucks when you do a downloop transition but the board digs its nose in and you get dragged on your balls downwind for the rest of the loop...!
Weather was reported as 10 knots, gusts to 18; 67% at 27°C.
Wind felt like I was 50% just powered but 100% wanting more. Figure that one out.
What I learned today...
• There's a fucking rock or something at the near end of the beach that I've ridden into with my 'radical now too, fuck it.
• Lines are out of whack on the 21 but that's fine, I got spares...
• I love riding the 'radical!
• Wind-chill is enough that I'll need at least my summer wetsuit soon! Water is still warm though...
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Big smiles in size 12
Earlier in the week, Miyachi told me there was a typhoon rolling in this weekend so apart from having to work on Saturday, the weekend looked good... Forecast came up to par too so I headed out, aiming for a 12:30 on-the-water start. Highway wasn't co-operating though, with a traffic jam on the important junction to Tsu... a 70-minute traffic jam. So I jumped off at Tsuchiyama and took the bottom roads...
Arrived at around 12:30pm to a good blow - people putting up 6's and 9's. I measured on the shore - dipping to 6m/s, gusting to 13, averaging around 10. Hmm... it's supposed to pick up too. XB 13 is my smallest LEI but wait, I've got the Speed3 12 in car... hope I can get out with that on the small board!
Nuts, forgot I tried to swap the Black Line and hadn't finished tuning the lines... quicker to swap the bar for the S3 15's. So I do that.
Ooh neato - the tide is out, leaving a good size of clean beach to set up on and some flat water just... down... there. Lay the kite out, re-rig the bar... help some people launch :-/ easy launch for me - except for fatty standing right next to the kite and looking like he wanted to help but didn't know what to grab so he just fucking stood right next to it and refused to move. So I launched over his toes...
Into the water... tough to get started - trim the kite, that's better! Ok we're moving and we got some board speed - booOOOST! Gonna be a good day!
And it was! Some epic big boosts, carving nicely up the face of clean waves. Also had fun trying to ride the waves, carving some gybes... even got a few nice back rolls in, I was feeling so brave.
I stuck to what is apparently the appropriate area for kiteboarders (!) cos the water was better anyway. Got a bit crowded as the day progressed - The Fattest Kiteboarder in Japan was there, that gringo from Nagoya and a bunch of people I recognize but don't know the names of. A few occasions of having to do a quick gybe to get out of their ways but otherwise, no problems.
Had some fighting with the kite in the lulls... had to keep it trimmed to stop backstalling it but that didn't seem to affect the jumps :o Had a tip-wrap that I could only solve by flying it to the edge, putting it on the water, letting it drift back onto the LE then relaunching it that way. Dude on the shore looked like he was going to help LOL no thanks! Towards the end of my session, it got punchy as hell - kite was jumping like a summabitch, making like it was going to invert and generally giving me the shits. Add to that the abrasion from the harness and so, I packed it in.
Sat down to reverse land but it behaved itself once it was down... 2 and a half hours on the water! Great session!
As I was wrapping up, I noticed that the guy on the F-one had just ripped a hole LE to TE on his kite... poor bugger!
Moment of the day was, for once, not the massive jumps but actually dropping into a wave and feeling the drive... I can see why those kooks get into it!
Mood of the session was mellow thrilled surprised.
It sucks when the guys taking photos with the telephoto lens doesn't offer to email you the pics...
Weather was reported as ESE 21-19-20-20 knots at 1-4pm; max gust of 32 knots at 5pm. 28.5°C at 78%.
Wind felt like it was closer to the peak gusts than it was to what was recorded... 30% just underpowered, 60% perfectly powered and 10% slightly worried.
What I learned today...
• That turbulent bit just behind a breaker is not so good to ride it - not enough water?
• Kept landing little hops too much on my front foot = face-plant.
• Sharks stay on even when you get hit in the face by a giant breaker!
• The spreader bar pad is catching on the power belt - that's why it's flipping up.
• The 12 is so quick across the window when you turn that you HAVE to sheet in to slow it down... but be prepared for the power!
• Fancy footwork with the board gets you around waves nicely...
• Maybe I don't need a Nugget after all!
• Almost filling my thermos with ice makes for sweet, sweet cold water!
Arrived at around 12:30pm to a good blow - people putting up 6's and 9's. I measured on the shore - dipping to 6m/s, gusting to 13, averaging around 10. Hmm... it's supposed to pick up too. XB 13 is my smallest LEI but wait, I've got the Speed3 12 in car... hope I can get out with that on the small board!
Nuts, forgot I tried to swap the Black Line and hadn't finished tuning the lines... quicker to swap the bar for the S3 15's. So I do that.
Ooh neato - the tide is out, leaving a good size of clean beach to set up on and some flat water just... down... there. Lay the kite out, re-rig the bar... help some people launch :-/ easy launch for me - except for fatty standing right next to the kite and looking like he wanted to help but didn't know what to grab so he just fucking stood right next to it and refused to move. So I launched over his toes...
Into the water... tough to get started - trim the kite, that's better! Ok we're moving and we got some board speed - booOOOST! Gonna be a good day!
And it was! Some epic big boosts, carving nicely up the face of clean waves. Also had fun trying to ride the waves, carving some gybes... even got a few nice back rolls in, I was feeling so brave.
I stuck to what is apparently the appropriate area for kiteboarders (!) cos the water was better anyway. Got a bit crowded as the day progressed - The Fattest Kiteboarder in Japan was there, that gringo from Nagoya and a bunch of people I recognize but don't know the names of. A few occasions of having to do a quick gybe to get out of their ways but otherwise, no problems.
Had some fighting with the kite in the lulls... had to keep it trimmed to stop backstalling it but that didn't seem to affect the jumps :o Had a tip-wrap that I could only solve by flying it to the edge, putting it on the water, letting it drift back onto the LE then relaunching it that way. Dude on the shore looked like he was going to help LOL no thanks! Towards the end of my session, it got punchy as hell - kite was jumping like a summabitch, making like it was going to invert and generally giving me the shits. Add to that the abrasion from the harness and so, I packed it in.
Sat down to reverse land but it behaved itself once it was down... 2 and a half hours on the water! Great session!
As I was wrapping up, I noticed that the guy on the F-one had just ripped a hole LE to TE on his kite... poor bugger!
Moment of the day was, for once, not the massive jumps but actually dropping into a wave and feeling the drive... I can see why those kooks get into it!
Mood of the session was mellow thrilled surprised.
It sucks when the guys taking photos with the telephoto lens doesn't offer to email you the pics...
Weather was reported as ESE 21-19-20-20 knots at 1-4pm; max gust of 32 knots at 5pm. 28.5°C at 78%.
Wind felt like it was closer to the peak gusts than it was to what was recorded... 30% just underpowered, 60% perfectly powered and 10% slightly worried.
What I learned today...
• That turbulent bit just behind a breaker is not so good to ride it - not enough water?
• Kept landing little hops too much on my front foot = face-plant.
• Sharks stay on even when you get hit in the face by a giant breaker!
• The spreader bar pad is catching on the power belt - that's why it's flipping up.
• The 12 is so quick across the window when you turn that you HAVE to sheet in to slow it down... but be prepared for the power!
• Fancy footwork with the board gets you around waves nicely...
• Maybe I don't need a Nugget after all!
• Almost filling my thermos with ice makes for sweet, sweet cold water!
Sunday, September 9, 2012
The cheese is OOzing! Let's DO this!
Finally, I don't have to work AND the wind is blowing AND it's not pouring rain... but I have to head south to the coast. Which means choppy water :( oh well, it's gotta be better than nothing.
An hour on the highway later...
Mmm, I measure 7 to 10 m/s at the beach - nice! I decide on the Speed3 15 cos I can't be assed pumping up the Crossbows. Toddle off looking for a section of beach free of detritus... best I can do is a patch with grasses and funny little twiggy ground bushes, with a patch of sand to weight a tip. Carefully lay out the lines... easy launch! Pah, who said untidy launch sites were a hassle? Ooh, nicely powered... going to try out the 'radical...
And we're off! No problems riding upwind! And the wind is supposed to peak at 3 - neat! Of course, the water is choppy... but we start with a decent jump and that's just fine by me.
Dunno what happened next, but I tooled off down the 'other' end of the beach where the club has their little area and well, well, well - whaddya know? Nice water down here. So I hang out down there, riding between what I guess is the river mouth and the pier at 'our' end. There seems to be 2 semi-flat spots and some decently shaped waves...
I boost some decent jumps but spend about 30-60 minutes getting used to the hang-time of the Speed3 again :D too-early redirects put me on my ass a few times. Once I get into the swing of things, I'm riding the waves, gybing, riding toe-side, and boosting really big airs :D
So it was a great day. Was back in the car at 4:30pm, so maybe 2 and a half hours on the water.
Moment of the Day was boosting a good one, having a pole dancer shoot under me pumping his fist going "Loop! Loop! Do a loop!"... with a huge margin of safety. FYI.
Mood of the session was grateful, psyched, exhausted.
It sucks when you're trying to gybe, weight the front foot too much and fall on your face just as your mouth is wide open, sucking in a big breath of air. No actually that's not true - I can live with that. It sucks when you're getting so psyched and having such a buzz out there... but your body just can't cope. Because old.
Song stuck in my head was Oh My Dayum by Schmoyoho feat. Damn Drops... via Cheezycheese.
Weather was reported as 16-18 knots from 2 to 4pm with gusts to 24 at 3. 29°C at 79%.
Wind felt like 9% almost underpowered 90% perfectly overpowered and 1% uncomfortable.
What I learned today...
• I've been kiting at the wrong end of the beach for all this time...
• Need to check the tune of the 15's lines. Just in case. And check that bridle line.
• Cracked my Flydoor some time in the past... need to send pictures to FS and get a diagnosis.
• Nice fat gybes are the ticket - trying to do them too tight means my knees drag and I loose speed and drive? out of the turn.
• Having fun in the waves... do I really need a Nugget?
• I HAVE to learn riding toe-side and gybing the 'other' way.
An hour on the highway later...
Mmm, I measure 7 to 10 m/s at the beach - nice! I decide on the Speed3 15 cos I can't be assed pumping up the Crossbows. Toddle off looking for a section of beach free of detritus... best I can do is a patch with grasses and funny little twiggy ground bushes, with a patch of sand to weight a tip. Carefully lay out the lines... easy launch! Pah, who said untidy launch sites were a hassle? Ooh, nicely powered... going to try out the 'radical...
And we're off! No problems riding upwind! And the wind is supposed to peak at 3 - neat! Of course, the water is choppy... but we start with a decent jump and that's just fine by me.
Dunno what happened next, but I tooled off down the 'other' end of the beach where the club has their little area and well, well, well - whaddya know? Nice water down here. So I hang out down there, riding between what I guess is the river mouth and the pier at 'our' end. There seems to be 2 semi-flat spots and some decently shaped waves...
I boost some decent jumps but spend about 30-60 minutes getting used to the hang-time of the Speed3 again :D too-early redirects put me on my ass a few times. Once I get into the swing of things, I'm riding the waves, gybing, riding toe-side, and boosting really big airs :D
So it was a great day. Was back in the car at 4:30pm, so maybe 2 and a half hours on the water.
Moment of the Day was boosting a good one, having a pole dancer shoot under me pumping his fist going "Loop! Loop! Do a loop!"... with a huge margin of safety. FYI.
Mood of the session was grateful, psyched, exhausted.
It sucks when you're trying to gybe, weight the front foot too much and fall on your face just as your mouth is wide open, sucking in a big breath of air. No actually that's not true - I can live with that. It sucks when you're getting so psyched and having such a buzz out there... but your body just can't cope. Because old.
Song stuck in my head was Oh My Dayum by Schmoyoho feat. Damn Drops... via Cheezycheese.
Weather was reported as 16-18 knots from 2 to 4pm with gusts to 24 at 3. 29°C at 79%.
Wind felt like 9% almost underpowered 90% perfectly overpowered and 1% uncomfortable.
What I learned today...
• I've been kiting at the wrong end of the beach for all this time...
• Need to check the tune of the 15's lines. Just in case. And check that bridle line.
• Cracked my Flydoor some time in the past... need to send pictures to FS and get a diagnosis.
• Nice fat gybes are the ticket - trying to do them too tight means my knees drag and I loose speed and drive? out of the turn.
• Having fun in the waves... do I really need a Nugget?
• I HAVE to learn riding toe-side and gybing the 'other' way.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Mako's up!
Wind's up again. Headed over to Mie...
Forecast was much the same as yesterday but when I got there, it was a bit stronger. I went for the XB 13m... nobody else around except some pole dancers so I self-launched... which nearly turned into a disaster when the bar jumped out of my hand and looped back to the left and slammed into the concrete footpath :( no damage at all though!!!
Head out on the Mako to start with - determined to get to grips with it. Bit hard to get moving - the board likes speed but the water is so choppy is very bouncy out there... pads hurt my feet some too - both the sore on the RH foot and general arch pain. Seems a bit easier to get through the rough stuff though and rides nicely... just bouncy. Upwind is a bit of work (although jumps are fine) so I go back in for the Flydoor.
Easier to ride slower with the bigger board, but it's less fun. Jumps are just too crappy - no flat water to boost from and no decent waves to kick off. I play with the waves some which is fun and even manage a gybe turn without thinking about it!
Give up when my legs get sore. Self-land by attaching the kite to a big log. Much easier than I thought it'd be! On the water for about 2 hours...
Mood of the session was relaxed, intrigued, irritated.
Moment of the day was floating through the air while the fish leapt out of the water under me. Got a good look at them this time...
Weather was reported as 16.6 knots steady, 31°C 68%. Gusts to 21 knots...
Wind felt like I could have gotten away with the 16 but not without an assist on launch/land.
What I learned today...
• Mako is FAST when it gets going... which makes it bouncy. If you go slow, it's more sinky. I think it'll be better on flatter water. Maybe; I might just have to get used to it! Does carve awesome and ride through and down waves really nice though.
• Flydoor feels like a bus in comparison... but I think I knew that.
• It's just not worth trying to do big jumps or tricks when the water is that chopped up - better to surf?
• Need mutant fins for the Mako...
Forecast was much the same as yesterday but when I got there, it was a bit stronger. I went for the XB 13m... nobody else around except some pole dancers so I self-launched... which nearly turned into a disaster when the bar jumped out of my hand and looped back to the left and slammed into the concrete footpath :( no damage at all though!!!
Head out on the Mako to start with - determined to get to grips with it. Bit hard to get moving - the board likes speed but the water is so choppy is very bouncy out there... pads hurt my feet some too - both the sore on the RH foot and general arch pain. Seems a bit easier to get through the rough stuff though and rides nicely... just bouncy. Upwind is a bit of work (although jumps are fine) so I go back in for the Flydoor.
Easier to ride slower with the bigger board, but it's less fun. Jumps are just too crappy - no flat water to boost from and no decent waves to kick off. I play with the waves some which is fun and even manage a gybe turn without thinking about it!
Give up when my legs get sore. Self-land by attaching the kite to a big log. Much easier than I thought it'd be! On the water for about 2 hours...
Mood of the session was relaxed, intrigued, irritated.
Moment of the day was floating through the air while the fish leapt out of the water under me. Got a good look at them this time...
Weather was reported as 16.6 knots steady, 31°C 68%. Gusts to 21 knots...
Wind felt like I could have gotten away with the 16 but not without an assist on launch/land.
What I learned today...
• Mako is FAST when it gets going... which makes it bouncy. If you go slow, it's more sinky. I think it'll be better on flatter water. Maybe; I might just have to get used to it! Does carve awesome and ride through and down waves really nice though.
• Flydoor feels like a bus in comparison... but I think I knew that.
• It's just not worth trying to do big jumps or tricks when the water is that chopped up - better to surf?
• Need mutant fins for the Mako...
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Back down to earth :(
Back in Japan, back to crappy summer southerlies... off to Mie with me! Checked the harbour cam in the morning - kites on the swimming beach?! Apparently there's racing on down there, which explains the Speed3 I saw...
Get there about 1pm-ish; wind looks good. I measured 8 to 20 knots though... go for the 16m XB but the repair on the Mystic harness has been stitched through the power-belt so I have to unpick that :-/ Have to self-launch (and make a gash in the LE :-/ FFS) and head out on the 'door.
Easy powered... but DANG after the smooth water of Thailand, the chop sucks ass. No really good jumps, don't want to do any 'tricks' cos the landing and take-off suck...
Play with the waves some too... got me thinking about how well a Sector 60 would do on days like today...
Had a mad polio dancer come rocketing in behind me, then throw a turn right in front of me... then fall over. Idiot!
Pack up and in the car at 4pm...
Mood of the session was mildly annoyed, mellow.
Moment of the Day was landing a jump on the face of a wave and actually surfing on down it. Dude!
Song stuck in my head was Electric Blue by Ice House. Oh I had a dream, for a moment I believed it was true... mmm, flat water...
Weather was reported as 15 to 18 knots with gusts to 21; 31°C at 67%.
Wind felt like it was pretty smooth, always powered, a few times slightly overpowered; but I should have been jumping higher :(
What I learned today...
• Chop sucks.
• That Mystic harness sucks. Colonoscopy, much?
• Chop really sucks.
• My 16m XB is a magnet for frickin damage... I'll never be able to sell it!
• Sigh... wish I was back in Thailand...
Get there about 1pm-ish; wind looks good. I measured 8 to 20 knots though... go for the 16m XB but the repair on the Mystic harness has been stitched through the power-belt so I have to unpick that :-/ Have to self-launch (and make a gash in the LE :-/ FFS) and head out on the 'door.
Easy powered... but DANG after the smooth water of Thailand, the chop sucks ass. No really good jumps, don't want to do any 'tricks' cos the landing and take-off suck...
Play with the waves some too... got me thinking about how well a Sector 60 would do on days like today...
Had a mad polio dancer come rocketing in behind me, then throw a turn right in front of me... then fall over. Idiot!
Pack up and in the car at 4pm...
Mood of the session was mildly annoyed, mellow.
Moment of the Day was landing a jump on the face of a wave and actually surfing on down it. Dude!
Song stuck in my head was Electric Blue by Ice House. Oh I had a dream, for a moment I believed it was true... mmm, flat water...
Weather was reported as 15 to 18 knots with gusts to 21; 31°C at 67%.
Wind felt like it was pretty smooth, always powered, a few times slightly overpowered; but I should have been jumping higher :(
What I learned today...
• Chop sucks.
• That Mystic harness sucks. Colonoscopy, much?
• Chop really sucks.
• My 16m XB is a magnet for frickin damage... I'll never be able to sell it!
• Sigh... wish I was back in Thailand...
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Phangka and Squallus again
Stopped by KBA in the morning - no spare Dakine spreader bar (O RLY) so I bought a new Mystic Supporter seat harness - XL but aside from the "Power Belt" only closing an inch, I think it fits ok. Can swap the spreader bar to the Dakine if I replace the D's hooks... not sure about the click thing though :-/
Headed out to ol' faithful - late cos someone who shall remain nameless decided to wander off shopping - but it didn't matter cos the tide was still out. A little wind at the Peaks, so I pumped up the 16, walked out over the sand to the the far off water...
Nope, slightly planning downwind. This blows.
OH look a storm is coming in - neato! Now I'm riding! Hmm Mark from NZ is heading into the shore - maybe I should pack up NAH just one more jump OMG and that's only 3cm of water splat! O SHIT the kite has unhooked somehow and then yoink! O look the D-ring has ripped out of the harness and my kite is skipping downwind... joy!
Sam made a valiant effort to hold the 'bow but he had to let the CL go... kite finally settles just short of the shore and Mark outpaces Olivia to rescue it!
PISSES down and blows like a bastard - that broken harness might have been a lucky thing...
Wind and rain finally passes over, but there's no blow left. KBA packs up and heads home... Mark and I try to fly the kites (to dry them off!) but there's nothing... he gives up. As I'm walking back to land though... it picks up!
So I finally have a few inches of higher-than-low-tide to play with and some wind! Get about a 30-minute ride before sunset, with some great jumps and nice sent rotations... I pack up cos a. it's getting dark b. the wind has picked up enough that I'm happy over-powered but worried about the landing and c. there's lightening blasting the other side of the island 0_o
Mark helps Olivia land the kite...
Get back to the hotel - tired, hungry, in need of shower and beer - to discover there's a fucking street market blocking BOTH streets that access all the hotels - and ours - down off the main road... don't even start me >:( spoiled the day and my feelings about the place, did the little wanker with the whistle who said "This is Thailand -- go back to your own country"
Wind felt like 8 knots initially, then 30 knots in the squall, then 15-25 in the last bit...
What I learned today...
• Sometimes, gear failure is a good thing :o
• Gray has some mad-ass stories!
• Best just to land the shit when clouds roll in like that...
Headed out to ol' faithful - late cos someone who shall remain nameless decided to wander off shopping - but it didn't matter cos the tide was still out. A little wind at the Peaks, so I pumped up the 16, walked out over the sand to the the far off water...
Nope, slightly planning downwind. This blows.
OH look a storm is coming in - neato! Now I'm riding! Hmm Mark from NZ is heading into the shore - maybe I should pack up NAH just one more jump OMG and that's only 3cm of water splat! O SHIT the kite has unhooked somehow and then yoink! O look the D-ring has ripped out of the harness and my kite is skipping downwind... joy!
Sam made a valiant effort to hold the 'bow but he had to let the CL go... kite finally settles just short of the shore and Mark outpaces Olivia to rescue it!
PISSES down and blows like a bastard - that broken harness might have been a lucky thing...
Wind and rain finally passes over, but there's no blow left. KBA packs up and heads home... Mark and I try to fly the kites (to dry them off!) but there's nothing... he gives up. As I'm walking back to land though... it picks up!
So I finally have a few inches of higher-than-low-tide to play with and some wind! Get about a 30-minute ride before sunset, with some great jumps and nice sent rotations... I pack up cos a. it's getting dark b. the wind has picked up enough that I'm happy over-powered but worried about the landing and c. there's lightening blasting the other side of the island 0_o
Mark helps Olivia land the kite...
Get back to the hotel - tired, hungry, in need of shower and beer - to discover there's a fucking street market blocking BOTH streets that access all the hotels - and ours - down off the main road... don't even start me >:( spoiled the day and my feelings about the place, did the little wanker with the whistle who said "This is Thailand -- go back to your own country"
Wind felt like 8 knots initially, then 30 knots in the squall, then 15-25 in the last bit...
What I learned today...
• Sometimes, gear failure is a good thing :o
• Gray has some mad-ass stories!
• Best just to land the shit when clouds roll in like that...
crossbow 16,
gear failure,
phangka bay
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Phangka again
Same plan with Buzz as yesterday... we drove to Nathon about 3pm and there was N-O-T-H-I-N-G - I couldn't even tell you which way the wind wasn't blowing. Drove to The New Spot to see if B was there; a little wind from the north but not enough. Headed back to Phangka bay - it was cooking!
Stood around watching the KBA lessons taking up the whole bay, wondering how long till the tide came in, and should I go home for the 13... when B arrived. We both decided on the 16 and a small board... wind had dropped by the time we'd set up though, so I chose the big board and shot upwind of him.
Crowded today! A trio of Frenchies turned up but shared 2 kites between them... Sam and Gray went out too so there was about 7 of us on the water :o
I played "race upwind" with the Dyno guy... then decided that was boring and started doing jumps. Not as much wind as yesterday so I start doing rotations... get some nice ones in too!
Then... poink! spreader bar hook separates on the RHS and as I ride along looking at it going "WTF do I do now!?" the LHS gave out. The kite shot to the zenith and looked like it's just going to sit there, on my safety leash so I pulled it in and released the QR. Easy wind up of lines and walk into shore, which was nice. And I wasn't 30 feet in the air when the hook gave out too.
Le sigh.
Wind felt like it was on the low side of 15-20 knots but it picked up as the sun set... while I was watching from the side lines :(
What I learned today...
• Carry a spare spreader bar if you're using Dakine :-/
• I've been pretty lucky with gear failures so far...
Stood around watching the KBA lessons taking up the whole bay, wondering how long till the tide came in, and should I go home for the 13... when B arrived. We both decided on the 16 and a small board... wind had dropped by the time we'd set up though, so I chose the big board and shot upwind of him.
Crowded today! A trio of Frenchies turned up but shared 2 kites between them... Sam and Gray went out too so there was about 7 of us on the water :o
I played "race upwind" with the Dyno guy... then decided that was boring and started doing jumps. Not as much wind as yesterday so I start doing rotations... get some nice ones in too!
Then... poink! spreader bar hook separates on the RHS and as I ride along looking at it going "WTF do I do now!?" the LHS gave out. The kite shot to the zenith and looked like it's just going to sit there, on my safety leash so I pulled it in and released the QR. Easy wind up of lines and walk into shore, which was nice. And I wasn't 30 feet in the air when the hook gave out too.
Le sigh.
Wind felt like it was on the low side of 15-20 knots but it picked up as the sun set... while I was watching from the side lines :(
What I learned today...
• Carry a spare spreader bar if you're using Dakine :-/
• I've been pretty lucky with gear failures so far...
crossbow 16,
gear failure,
phangka bay
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