Tuesday, September 3, 2013

New location is OK

Wind's forecast to be up in Mie . . . I'm betting Machiya will still be borked, so I'll go have a look anyway and maybe do the Yacht Harbor. The wind hasn't picked up by the time I leave at 12, so I may end up driving around just checking out both locations.

Yep, zero wind at the ocean, but there's white caps moving in from the horizon. So I might wait for it . . . car park is good, though far away from the area where the flags stop. Oh foo, a whole 5 minute walk! Problem is, what to do with my car keys.

Mmm, here's the wind. Light at the car so I go out with the Flite. By the time I reach the beach, I'm wondering if that's a good choice, but it's gusty (lully) so why not? Alone when I launch but by the time I get a tack or two in there's 3 other guys on the water; one keeps waving at me - wonder who that was?

Waves are small and almost at the wrong angle on both tack to use as boost ramps, as they're mostly too 'soft' for great boosts off them but - it's better than sitting around at home!

Doop-de-doo . . . wind is picking up, ceasing to fun and I need a drink anyway, and there's someone to grab my kite so I come in and land it.

Naturally, the wind has dropped by the time I set the XB up :-/ we all wait around for a while, the wind picks up for a brief yeehaw then drops right up . . . until I've completely packed up again. Oh well.

Only thing I don't like about that beach is all the shells. Worried self-launches will bugger the kites. Need an anchor, I guess. There's much, MUCH less trash though!

Here's the beach at the Tsu Yacht Harbor.

Moment of the day was a rather slick cut-back (I think it was called) while surfing down a wave. I'm getting good at that. Har har.
Mood of the session was happy worried satisfied.

Weather was reported as 17 knots falling to 12, gusts to 28 at 5pm; 27˚C at 86%. 27 . . . I guess summer is over then, huh?
Wind felt like it was over 20 knots when I changed the kites then was 15 or less when I got back on the water, then struggled up to about 15 :( fickle bitch.

What I learned today . . .
• Fins on Ol' Faithful need replacing! Where ARE those damned spares?
• XB13 is just the greatest kite for doing what I like using it for; I love riding with "small" kites! Going to get a play with the Draft 14 and see . . .
• Straps on Ol' Faithful need work too.
• The Yacht Harbor beach has smaller waves than Machiya.
• Those poles with red flags delineate the swimming area.
• Watch out for old buggers with cameras who like to grab the bar.
• Need a spare key for the car.

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