Thursday, July 25, 2013

Double skunkage

Forecast looked good for Machiya, so I headed over there aiming to be in time for the 3 o'clock 20 knots... we got - dick. Got a look at the construction going on... god, it's rooted. The construction has made a total mess of the beach and there's almost no parking within miles. God knows how crowded it will be when the new park is up and running. Idiots and assholes!

Drove back to Shiga and... WTF there's wind from the north! Head out to the lake - yup, people are riding. Looks light and they're walking on 10m and directionals, so out comes the 21. Er, think I'm going to be over-powered... nope it's fine!

Try the Z out again. Better, the water is flatter but boosts are still hard to edge into. Then the wind drops, and it's all over. A handful of jumps and rotations, but not enough to get my mojo going.

Head out for one tack on the Flydoor but even that's not doing it. Pack up... sigh, what a day!

Moment of the day was getting upwind on the Z :-/
Mood of the session was resigned exciting resigned.

Weather was reported as 12 to 6 knots, gusts to 30 about a 1/2 hour before I go to the beach. 33˚C at 66%.
Wind felt like I'd be over-powered on the 21 but was only just powered enough to work the Z upwind, to being unable to fly the kite.

What I learned today...
• Machiya is F-U-C-K-E-D.
• The 21 needs a wash - a golden brown from the dust on the beach. Goes to show how rarely it goes in the drink!
• The Z can be made to do things right... I'll keep persisting till we get back from Thailand but I think it's just too technically demanding for my dumb ass.
• Need to try new fins and different stance widths too...
• Some dickhead fisherfuck put nets across the beach - got my foot tangled in it.
• The 2012 Fusion is officially dead - straps have broken off the harness.

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