Wednesday, May 30, 2012

WOOP WOOP! Kiteloop!

Forecast looked totally feeble, but possible so I headed off to the lake anyway. Long drive from the wrong side of the tracks ... frickin work. Got there about 4:40pm and people were on the water, I could see some white-caps so I got changed and headed over ...

Definite 21m weather ... thought maybe I could get away with the Flyradical and had a few tacks on it, but I can't hold ground. Swap for the 'door ...

Better. More speed more height ... noodle around ... wind is up and down a bit and there's a patch where I have to fight to get upwind. Then it comes back just a bit and I can keep on going.

In the midst of all this, I'm doing my "loop" tranistions ... going to the right, send the kite to the left, jump, sheet out on the way down and fish-pole the bar so the kite front-loops then land 'toe-side' and ride off in the new direction. Meh, I know what I mean.
Anyway, must have started the loop earlier or something, cos the kite was coming around while I was still in the air so I sheeted in harder as it came around and felt it yank me forewards - kiteloop! Intentional and controlled! WOOP WOOP!
Spent the rest of the evening trying to do it again :-/ till the wind dropped off so low that all I could do was rotations for shits'n'giggles ... then the sun set and the wind was truly feeble, so I packed up.

Mood of the Session was surpised satisfaction smirk.

Moment of the Day was the kiteloop that pulled!

Weather was recorded as 6 to 7 knots at 17°C 75%, gusts no more than 16 knots ...! Ri-iiight.
Wind felt like exactly what it was - just-powered to powered; I'd guess it was more like 10 to 14 knots.

What I learned today ...
• Kiteloops can be done and are addictive and fun! Now I get it ...!
• Bottom end of the S3 is fantastic. Just keep an eye upwind, so you don't get caught in the lulls ...
• The old straps are better on the big Flyboard. Still 'stretch' though ...
• My knee is sore again ... only noticed when I was kneeling in the sand though. Fingers crossed ...

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