Sunday, October 13, 2013

Mixed bag, in many ways.

Had to work yesterday so was hoping the wind would stick around till today... which it did. Yippee.

Wind filled in about 12 so I shot out the door to the lake. Looks good, maybe my 13 will hit the spot.

Switch back and forth between the Origin and Dialer as the wind rises and falls all afternoon. I get a 4 hour session in but probably only rode for 3, altogether. Did lots of front- and back-rolls though, which was cool.

Mistress of Disaster is now renamed Hag Whore Bitch of Disaster cos I just decided that Mistresses are sexy. And she's not in the slightest and is an annoying fucking bitch. Tacking toward each other, me slightly upwind... if everyone kept going, it would have been fine but she just stopped and put her kite at 12 which forced me to turn away, or my line would have hit hers... cow.

Taki has been relabeled Grand Master of Disaster. He fell over or lost his board or something in the river mouth and was drifting towards the bridge... with his kite at 12 o'clock.

Grandpa launched my kite for me; let go my kite before I was in position and it shot forward, nearly wrapping a line around the tip of other kites on the ground :-/


Moment of the day was a perfect double front-roll. And the back-roll kite loops that didn't kill me.
Mood of the session was thrilled chilled spilled.

Weather was reported as 12 to 15 knots, gusts to 26; 23˚C at 43%.
Wind felt like it was gonna be good in the gusts, but the rest of the time was just ok, lulling to shit.

What I learned today...
  • We're back into the gusty season.
  • A typhoon is coming this week :D
  • Missing your front foot and falling face first into the water hurts like a bastard.
  • The glasses I bought in Thailand float and are easy to spot.
  • Origin can pop so well with speed, that landing from the rotations is hard on the knees. Not bad for a non-freestyle board!
  • Windchill in the late afternoon was a bit much... going to cut the legs off my old 3/2

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