There was wind again today but rather than heading down to the park for landboarding, I thought I'd toddle down to the beach. Forecast said 10 knots steady, building to 12 well after dark. Not enough for a big session I thought, maybe I'll have a play with the Speed and see how it goes, should be good to get a handle on it in the water.
Got home loaded the car with the Airush Square One (177x49!!!) board, the Speed 1.5 17 and the Synergy 19, just in case. Arrived at the beach and it was cooking! Seems it was more like 15 knots but I couldn't be bothered fishing out my wind meter so I just hit the beach.
Synergy inflated easily but had a bit of a hairy launch; it dumped the sand from the wing tip and slid downwind before going up, giving a good magic carpet scud. Can't figure out why it did that - I probably wasn't at 45ยบ enough.
I had the center strap in about 25%, tips right out and the VPC knots in the second space 'out' or down from the TE pigtail.
Checked the trim ... trimmed right out, being lifted onto tippy-toes - there's plenty of wind! It's cross onshore, from the north east so we'll be heading away from the beach with plenty of room downwind.
Got in the water with the board, dive the kite and ZOOM I'm off! Awesome!
Kite is still trimmed for de-power so I'm trying to grab the trim strap but I end up getting skittled by the waves. Trim the kite out, body-drag to the board and dive ZOOM and head back towards the beach.
Big ol' Walk of Shame, I'm almost at the other end of the beach. Damn but it was warp speed out there!
Back into the water, dive the kite and ZOOM I'm off again.
Paying more attention to course and trying to keep the speed down. Much easier heading into the waves than with them, I seem to end up further upwind although I'm bouncing off the tops of waves and making a few unintentional jumps as I get the timing "wrong" - sending the kite up to 12 as I reach the crest of a wave. All my jumping on the beach seems to have paid off though cos I actually managed to land most of them :D felt great!
Another long Walk of Shame ...
Back out again, really trying to edge hard. I'm still doing the foil thing and hanging onto the bar, tying to power up through that. I put more weight into my harness and lean back ... this time, when I get back to shore there a much smaller Walk of Shame!
And it gets better!
My last few runs as the sun sets after an hour and a half on the water (where did the time go?!?) I'm actually getting right back to my starting point! I'm going upwind!!! Well sort of. But we're getting there and I'm learning to control my speed, work the kite to get board speed when I need and basically having a great time!
Only real problem - bloody harness! For a seat harness, it really thinks it should be an armpit harness :O riding up so far I couldn't reach the trim strap and I thought I might never be able to fish it out of my arsehole. Going to have to REALLY haul those straps in tight, I guess. Not comfy.
Classiest dismount of the day goes to me - coming back to the shore, I sent the kite up fast and when it lifted me, I sheeted in and let my feet come out of the foot-straps and gliding onto the shore for a perfect touchdown :) probably a bit silly but I was psyched and just let rip! Then I noticed my left wrist and the massive scar and didn't do it again :D
Great evening, bit of a surprise cos I didn't think the wind would be so good!