Thursday, June 26, 2014

Skirting the shore

Not some clever pun about summer fashions on the girls but a statement of the distance of my tacks today...!

Forecast was worse the risk of a day without responsibilities... looked ok-ish for the 13 when I arrived at 12 but I knew it was supposed to pick up so I risked the "small" kite.

Hard work to start with, working the kite to get moving and upwind. Gets easier, and more fun.

2 hours later, I'm pretty done - arms etc sore from working the kite hard, legs etc sore from doing stuff... time to call it quits and head to work.

Wind was 8 to 16 knots when I arrived and was pushing 20 when I left. It was good... except for the sunburn.

Forgot to add: SOME-THING-IS-TOUCH-ING-ME!!!

Stood on something slippery, thick and muscled that squirmed underfoot and gave me the heebie-jeebies... I jumped and squeaked like Grant Imahara.

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