Snow... no problem.
Hail... problem. Right in the eyeballs!...
Before that bout of hail though, the wind was pretty good. Which is really good cos there was family stuff I really should have been doing...
Started off just right for the 10m, got a bit light, picked up, then went ape-shit. At first I felt a bit meh about the whole thing but eventually got into the groove - hard work with all the gear on!
Bit gusty for my taste for stunts - I got lobbed and dunked a few times, so couldn't rely on the wind to be consistent enough not to mess with me, but it was steady enough for boosting hard. Got a few that put smiles on my face... still think it's easier to go higher with the seat harness...
Came in for a break - like I said, hard work. Was sweating under my suit... ew. Got a bottle of water and the Mako, cos I was having a nice time slashing the waves...
Aw yeah! I took some fins off and it's much better ride as a mutant now. Gotta get it out in real waves!
Back in, finished my bottle then went out for a mega-boost session. Some real doozies... bet they'd really rock if I wasn't 20kg heavier with a 6/5 suit and 10L of water in my boots :D
Really tired now, come in and call it a day...
It was fine for about an hour (was worried about sunburn) then it started raining, snowing then hailing for the rest of my 3-hour session. Pretty epic day, I'm happy. Nice to be whoo-haa-ing jumps again.
Weather was reported as 12 to 20 knots, gusts to 40 :o 3˚C at 78%.
Wind felt like comfortably underpowered (i.e. riding but thinking about taking a break) to really should have taken a break.
What I learned today...
- Might have a leak in my 10m... Miyachi is checking out the LE.
- Seat harness needs some stretching - it seems to have shrunk without use :o
- Waist harness was hard on the back today, just couldn't get it to stay put.
- Landing feet first - if the water is shallow, even chest deep, you can hit the bottom. It's jarring.
- Mako so good the way I have it set up now! Carves like a beast but isn't a pig in sliding transition cos of all the finnage.
- Boosts well about my average height - yes you gotta actively fly the kite. When you get that elevator feeling of going straight up after you've hit your pendulum apex, bring it just back above you to control the descent till you need to finally redirect properly...