Friday, September 17, 2010

Weather forecast fail

Wagged work and hit the lake ... forecast was for good wind all afternoon so was looking forward to nearly 3 hours riding before I had to pack up and go to work in the evening.

Well ... wind was sweeping over the hills to the northwest, rather than down the length of the lake from northeast which made it quite gusty. Like, worried about involuntarily taking flight to worried about the kite falling out of the sky and having to swim. Really weird, the waves were huge (for a lake) and the wind sounded and felt like it was blowing, but the kite wasn't making power. Rode it out, working the gusts to keep up speed until the wind dropped right off. I managed to ride back to launch site - sorta - then waited on shore for about 10 minutes until the wind picked up enough to ride.

Got another hour of riding in just powered ... got 'aggressive' with some 'jumps' and enjoyed that. Then the wind dropped right off again and didn't want to come back up so I gave up - it was almost time to pack up anyway!

Glad I skivved off early or it would have been a bit of a waste of time ... looking forward to my Speed2 19 SA arriving - should solve the slogging problem!

What I learned today ...
• You CAN land light as a feather - just requires paying attention to where the water is and where your feet are ;)
• Sometimes, I get a real dumb on and can't get my stance right and nothing feels good. Other times, I am style and grave and speed. Go figure.
• Same goes for jumping, turning and carving for either direction 0_o can go left and jump but 10 minutes later I can't even get off the water ...!
• It is REALLY annoying when, as you're getting off the water to pack up, your kite falls from the sky and gets sand dumped in behind the struts and soaked >:(

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