Tuesday, January 20, 2015

God, been over a month!

Determined to do do something with my day off. Forecast changed in the morning and it looked like I was going to get stiffed, but I wanted to swap the lines over on the S3 15 and 21, then test-fly the brummel spliced lines on the 15.

The wind died right as I go to the lake, but I waited it out and it picked up enough to get my hopes up.

Up with the 21 and the Dialer.... Walk upwind, ride downwind, rinse and repeat. After a half-dozen or more runs, the wind kicked up enough that I could make it back upwind a little, so I had a nice time getting back into it.

Those split toe boots... leave my big toe frozen and feeling like I'm constantly stubbing it. Do not like. I think with the whale scrotum they're too thick anyway.

The Neo Workman gloves did their thing again too, flawlessly. Good value, them. No forearm pump either, despite a month off!

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