First session of the year, first one in the whale scrotum. Goddamn I forgot how appalling that thing is, how way-too-thick it is.
Started out on the TT for a bit of a test run, as I was using the Ocean Rodeo bar to test the low V-split. I *think* it accelerates in a straight line a little faster, a little less pull in a loop and the jumps were strange, but that might have been me, the wetsuit or the conditions.
Seemed light so I went out on the foil, but very, very rusty. And I think I would have been happier on the 7m kite too :o but the HG runs at speed nicely so it wasn't so bad.
Back on the TT, but I'm getting tired from fighting the suit with every movement so I give it up . . . right as the wind picks up proper and I wish I'd brought my Angry Swallow. Typical.