Saturday, March 23, 2013

Better than forecast but not good enough

Forecast called for SFA but the camera and hourly reports looked good so I geared up and headed out. Hmm, up close the lake doesn't look this there's a lot of wind after all.

I rig the Flite with a bit of trepidation cos it seems strong... get into the damp wetsuit and take the Flyradical and Mako over to the beach. So is on his 14m Havoc but reckons he's over-powered. I go out on the 'radical and feel just powered... it's ok. So get his 12m Hadlow out but very soon slams it and rips it LE to TE. Poor bugger!

Rolls are good, jumps are ok-ish, transitions are fun. Water is chopped up to shit, like there were big boats going every which way... tough to get board speed, a smooth line or launch. Wind keeps dropping...

Stop for a break and a drink. Beach is getting a bit crowded cos there's a few of us here. Mr Fujii turns up in a light wetsuit and no gloves or boots... and later complains it's cold LOL.

Go back out on the 'radical but it's not working. Come back in, take the Mako back to the car and get the Flydoor. Better, but I still have to work the kite some.

Come in for another drink, wait for a bit more wind. Chat with Gloves Guy and he confesses he's working on frontrolls. Inspires me to go out and try them more... mmm, they're tough when there's no wind. Start doing sent frontrolls - they're working! Woo hoo! Wind keeps dropping...

... now I'm the last one on the water. No one is looking and a voice in my head says "Try a kite loop"... first attempt, the kite gets around but I land hard on the board. Second attempt goes better - a pull downwind and land with speed, ride off. Keep in mind though that my fins are barely clearing the water - real sissy loops! Eventually, I forget to really pull the bar and slam hard - right into my nuts! Ouchies... do one more to prove I can, then get off the water.

Long session, crappy wind but some good times!

Moment of the day was carving up the face of a way, redirecting the kite then carving out the other way... it felt good!
Mood of the session was grr whee bah.
Song stuck in my head was My Beautiful Balloon by Nancy Sinatra. Up, up and away!
It sucks when the wind looks like it's storming but is actually a baby fart.

Weather was reported as 12-15 knots, gusts no more than 24 knots at 11am. 9˚C at 54%.
Wind felt like 5 to 10 knots. It was some serious all show and no blow BS going on today!

What I learned today...
• Sent frontrolls - not that difficult, actually. Just haul on the bar when you're halfway around.
• Kiteloops jumps... mmm. Now I've started, I guess I'll keep doing then until I smash myself in the nuts again. Need more height, I think, and to watch the How To's again.
• More sunblock! More water!
• Want a directional... Nugget?

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