Monday, August 27, 2012

Mako's up!

Wind's up again. Headed over to Mie...

Forecast was much the same as yesterday but when I got there, it was a bit stronger. I went for the XB 13m... nobody else around except some pole dancers so I self-launched... which nearly turned into a disaster when the bar jumped out of my hand and looped back to the left and slammed into the concrete footpath :( no damage at all though!!!

Head out on the Mako to start with - determined to get to grips with it. Bit hard to get moving - the board likes speed but the water is so choppy is very bouncy out there... pads hurt my feet some too - both the sore on the RH foot and general arch pain. Seems a bit easier to get through the rough stuff though and rides nicely... just bouncy. Upwind is a bit of work (although jumps are fine) so I go back in for the Flydoor.

Easier to ride slower with the bigger board, but it's less fun. Jumps are just too crappy - no flat water to boost from and no decent waves to kick off. I play with the waves some which is fun and even manage a gybe turn without thinking about it!

Give up when my legs get sore. Self-land by attaching the kite to a big log. Much easier than I thought it'd be! On the water for about 2 hours...

Mood of the session was relaxed, intrigued, irritated.

Moment of the day was floating through the air while the fish leapt out of the water under me. Got a good look at them this time...

Weather was reported as 16.6 knots steady, 31°C 68%. Gusts to 21 knots...
Wind felt like I could have gotten away with the 16 but not without an assist on launch/land.

What I learned today...
• Mako is FAST when it gets going... which makes it bouncy. If you go slow, it's more sinky. I think it'll be better on flatter water. Maybe; I might just have to get used to it! Does carve awesome and ride through and down waves really nice though.
• Flydoor feels like a bus in comparison... but I think I knew that.
• It's just not worth trying to do big jumps or tricks when the water is that chopped up - better to surf?
• Need mutant fins for the Mako...

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